The Meeting

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Chapter 6

Soo Na's POV

I woke up at the sound of my alarm clock. I checked the time and it was 6am. I still have time. I did my morning routine, change into my clothes for the day and went out of my room and into my living room. I noticed that there was some cereals in my kitchen. There is a note.

Hey Soo Na, don't mind me I just burdged into your apartment to give you this box of cereal. Just to let you know I have a key to your apartment.


Well thanks to Jungkook I have some breakfast to eat. When I finished eating, I went out the door and went to school. I no need to take any bus or something, I just need to take a 5 minutes walk. When I reached the front gate, I did not where to go.

"Oh my god is BAP get out of the way!" A person shouted but I just stood there confused. Did that person just said BAP? If yes then it is the gang that I need to get close with. I noticed that all the students were standing at one side and leaving one gap in the middle.

"Yah get out of the way!" A tall guy suddenly shouted.

"Oh I am so sorry." I apologised and was about to move aside but one of the guy grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

"Are you a new kid here?" He asked.

"What do you think?" I said. When I said that everyone gasped. What's the problem with them anyway? They move aside for them?

"Yah watch your attitude kid!" The same person who told to get out of their way shouted at me.

"Right I am sorry." I apologised. I have no mood to argue with them.

"Let's just go hyung. This is a waste of time." A guy said.

"Your right." The tall guy said and left.

"It's SMG! Hey new kid I think you better move out of the way if you don't be be beaten up!" A random student shouted and I moved to the side. SMG started to walk into the school. It was just a bunch of girls. Wait. Miss Lee said that I need to join the gang that's means that I will become a gangster?! What?! What have I gotten myself into but still is part of my job. I guess I just need to go find my homeroom teacher. His name is Mr Lim. I went to the teacher's office to find him and of course I found him.

"My name is Kim Soo Na please take care of me." I said to Mr Lim and bowed.

"Nice to meet you as you know I am Mr Lim and the class is gonna start already so will you please follow me?" Mr Lim said.

"Ne." I said and I followed him. When I reach my classroom, the class was super noisy.

"Class settle down!" Mr Lim said and the class quiet down.

"We have a new student with us. Please introduce yourself." Mr Lim said.

"My nam-" I could not finish my sentence and two person suddenly slam the door open and walked in.

"May I ask you two why were you guys late?" Mr Lim asked.

"The class haven't even started yet." One of the guy said.

"Yes it has started. Just go back to your seats." Mr Lim said.

"Whatever." The other guy said and they went to their seats.

"Continue." Mr Lim said to me.

"Oh. My name is Kim Soo Na. Please take care of me." I said and bowed a bit.

"Well okay you can seat at any seats available." Mr Lim said. Well the only seat available is beside the BAP guy. Why does my life sucks? I went and sit beside him and everyone just gasped. I mean what's their problem I only sit beside him nothing bad can happen right? When the class started, I looked beside me and that guy was sleeping. Not that I care.

"Daehyun please wake up!" Mr Lim yelled. Wait did he said Daehyun? My best friend's name. I looked beside me and he woke up. No way. He is dead. He died in the fire. No. It should be just a random person who has a same name as him.

"Whatever." Daehyun said. I did not realise that I was staring until I heard him speak.

"What are you staring at?" Daehyun asked coldly.

"Oh I am sorry." I said and I turned back to the board. I kept on thinking whether is was him, my best friend. When I was too absorb in my thoughts I did not know that the bell has already rang and it was time for the next lesson.

"Yah Youngjae want to ditch class?" Daehyun asked.

"Sure let's go." Youngjae and smirked.

I did not realise that the teacher has already entered.

"Good morning class." The teacher said.

"Oh. Looks like we have a new student. Hi dear I am Miss Jessie." Miss Jessie said.

I stood up and said, "My name is Soo Na, Kim Soo Na."

"Nice to meet you Soo Na. May I ask you who sit beside you?" Miss Jessie said.

"Oh urm.. Daehyun." I said.

"He must have ditch class again with Youngjae. Never mind. Lets start class."
Miss Jessie said and started to read some things on the board. After like an hour of class, the bell rang and it is time for lunch.

"Finally is lunch time!" I thought to myself. Well time to head downstairs.

Hey guys!! Here is another chapter for y'all!!! Hope you liked it!! Please help vote thank you!!!😄🙏🙇

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