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Caitlin's POV-

     My kitchen had never been this messy, but I absolutely had to get these cookies made. My younger sister Sarah volunteered to bake cookies for one of her school club fundraisers, and then gave the job to me, so now I am in charge of baking 100 chocolate chip cookies, 100 snickerdoodles, and I have to bake and frost 100 sugar cookies. Sarah promised she'd come over and help, so when there was a knock on the door, I naturally assumed it was her and began yelling as I walked towards the door.

     "Sarah Marie Snow, I swear that the next time you volunteer for something, I will not get stuck with the job or so help me I'll-" I reached the door and opened it to find that it was not Sarah who had knocked on my door. My voice died in my throat and I'm pretty sure my face turned bright red. Standing at my door was none other than Barry Allen, and he stood there smirking at me and I could feel my stomach flutter and my face flush as I stood in the doorway at a loss for words.

     "Or you'll what?" he asked. I wasn't sure my face could get any redder but I'm pretty sure it did at that exact moment.

     "Um, I thought you were my sister. She was supposed to stop by and help me bake some cookies." His smirk turned into a smile and he chuckled.

     "Is that why you're covered in flour?" My eyes widened at his question and I looked down at myself to realize that, yes indeed, I was covered in flour.

     I couldn't bring myself to look Barry in the eyes so I stared at my feet and mumbled, "I've had a frantic morning." I finally looked up at him and asked, "So what are you doing here?"

     "Well, I asked Cisco to go see a movie with me but he was busy so I thought I would come and ask you but you seem busy too." I could almost hear the sadness in his voice.

     "Well, I can't get away to go see a movie with you, but if you still want to hang out, I'm in a rush to get 300 cookies baked and could really use some help." His face seemed to light up at my suggestion. I stepped out of his way so he could get into my apartment and he made his way into the kitchen. "I'm so sorry about the state of my kitchen and myself, I've just been in a rush and-"

     Barry interrupted me, "Cait,it's fine! Baking is supposed to be messy and you look fine. Actually, you're kinda rockin' the lazy style while covered in flour look." He chuckled as he finished his sentence and I couldn't help but blush at his comment and simultaneously turn my face away in hopes that he didn't see. The lazy style he was complimenting me on was my choice of oversized sweatpants paired with a tank top, and the fact that my hair was up in a messy bun. I closed the door to my apartment before following him towards the kitchen. "So what kind of cookies are we making and what are they for?" he asked.

     "My sister Sarah volunteered to make cookies for a fundraiser for one of the clubs she's involved in at her school, so now I have to make 100 chocolate chip cookies, 100 snickerdoodles, and I have to bake and frost 100 sugar cookies. Sarah was supposed to stop by and help me which was why I assumed it was her at the door instead of you and started ranting." I turned to look at him. "I'm sorry about that by the way." He chuckled in response and I took that as a good sign and continued, "I've already started the chocolate chip cookie dough but when I was going to turn on the mixer, I accidentally put it on high and I had a flour explosion and was trying to clean it up when you showed up."

     Barry made his way over to the bowl of already made cookie dough and swiped his finger through it and then stuck it in his mouth. "That's really good." He commented as he went to swipe another taste.

     "Barry Allen, get your fingers out of my cookie dough!" He shot me a mischievous grin and swiped his finger through the dough again so I did the only thing I could think of, I reached into the bag of flour, grabbed a handful, and then threw it at him. It covered the entire front of his shirt and the shocked look on his face was so amusing that I doubled over laughing.

     "Oh, it's on Dr. Snow." Next thing I knew, he had opened another bag of flour and threw a handful at me. It landed directly in my hair turning it into a dusty white mess and I shot my head up to glare at him. Barry stood there admiring his work. "You know, with that white hair and that angry look you're pointing at me, you really look like your Earth-2 doppelgänger."

     "Oh really? But, would she do this?" When I yelled 'this', I ran at Barry with a bag of flour and dumped it on his head giggling. Before the bag had been emptied, Barry placed his hands on my hips and spun me around, holding me against the counter. I was so shocked that it took me a minute to register how close his face was to mine. His entire face and upper half of his body was covered in a layer of flour, but he still managed to look incredibly handsome. My eyes flicked involuntarily between his eyes and his lips and I could see his eyes doing the same thing to me.

     His mouth struggled to form words until he finally whispered, "I really want to kiss you right now."

     I felt a shock go through my entire body. I looked deep into his eyes and whispered back, "What's stopping you?"

     His eyes widened and then he slowly moved his head towards me and I closed my eyes waiting, and just when I thought he was about to kiss me, I heard the door to my apartment open and a voice call, "Hey Caity! Sorry I showed up late!" Barry and I sprang apart as my sister's voice rang through my apartment. She turned towards the kitchen and stood staring with at us as a deep blush rushed across my face. Her face broke into a mischievous grin. "Am I interrupting something Caity? I haven't seen your face that red since you were in high school and I walked in on you making out with your boyfriend, but you weren't covered in flour then." Her eyes flicked over to Barry and back to me and I felt like crawling into a hole.

     Barry turned to face me, "I haven't heard that story Cait, do tell." I elbowed him in the ribs as a response and all that seemed to do was give Sarah more to tease me about.

     "So this must be the famous Barry Allen that you go on and on about. Did you kiss him? Because if so, I'm gonna have to tell Cisco, he and I have a bet going about how long it would take you two to start dating. He would love to hear about this!" Both Barry and Sarah started laughing.

     "Quit teasing me and get in here and help me bake some cookies!" I turned towards the counter and saw three empty bags of flour and started chuckling. I turned back to Sarah, "Actually, I need to go get some more flour, as you can see, not very much of it made it into the cookie dough."

     Sarah laughed in response. "How about I go get the flour and you two get cleaned up?" As she turned to head out the door, she called over her shoulder, "I'm definitely going to have to tell Cisco about this."

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