(8) Sleeping In

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Caitlin's POV-
    I was drawn from my deep sleep by something tickling my collarbone. I lay still, and then felt another tickle, but this one was on my neck. My eyes flutter open and I open them just in time to see Barry leaning down to kiss my neck again.
    "Barry," I groan, "I was asleep," I laugh as he kisses my cheek.
    He grins down at me, "I know, the snores gave it away."
    I playfully shoved him away, "I don't snore!"
    "Sure you don't, I guess it was just a really loud train passing by," he laughed, then pulled me close to him, folding me into his side.
     I huffed at him then layed my head down on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, and closed my eyes. My head moved with the rise and fall of his chest, and I could feel myself being lulled back to sleep. It wasn't very often that we got to have these moments, we were always so busy at STAR Labs. Today was the first day this week that I'd gotten to sleep past 6am.
    "We don't have to go in today," his voice makes his chest vibrate, and I wrap my arm around his waist and pull myself closer to him enjoying the warmth he gives off.
     "Yes we do, you're the Flash, you're needed... just give me ten more minutes."
     Barry kisses the top of my head, then shifts so that he can wrap his arms all the way around me.
    "Just sleep, we can go in after you wake up. You deserve to get a few extra hours off."
    "I love you, Barry."
    "I love you too, Cait."
     I snuggled my head into the crook in his neck, and let the sound of his breathing be the lullaby that drifted me off to sleep.

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