(10) Watching the Other Sleep

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I'm such a terrible author, I haven't updated in over a month, I'm so sorry! School has been killing me but I promise I will be doing better about updating.

Barry's POV-
    I open my eyes slowly, trying to get adjusted to the sunlight that was coming in through the gauzy curtains. I burrow myself farther into the blankets, hoping to get maybe another hour of sleep, when I hear a small snore. I smile, and open my eyes to look at the source of the sound.
    Caitlin's curled up, cradling her head in one hand while her other hand rested gently on my pillow. The worried look that can usually be found on her face is gone, and she looks peaceful. Her hair is messy, falling into her face and fanning out on her pillow. I reach over and gently brush some back behind her ear. She smiles in her sleep, and I can't help but smile too.
      She unconsciously reaches out her arm and throws it over my waist. I wrap my arms around her and gently pull her closer to me, trying not to wake her. She stirs for a moment, but then settles into me, muttering nonsense.
"The rabbit needs a cheeseburger," she mumbles.
    What rabbit, and why a cheeseburger? I guess it's best not to argue with a dreaming scientist. "Okay, we'll get him a cheeseburger as soon as you wake up. Okay?"
    "Mmhm," she gently nods her head, then lets out another soft snore.
    I give her a gentle kiss on the forehead, then snuggle into the covers and I drift off to sleep with her in my arms.
Disclaimer: I do not own The Mountain Between Us or any of its characters. Please don't sue me.
Caitlin's POV-
    "Whatcha reading?" Barry plops down on the couch next to me, but I don't lift my eyes from the pages.
    "The Mountain Between Us," I keep my answers short, trying to show him that I was more interested in the book than talking.
    "Looks good, what's it about?"
    I huff in annoyance and turn the book so that the back cover is facing him so he can read the description for himself.
    "There's too many words to read, I'd rather just have you read it to me," Barry turns my body so that he can lay his head down in my lap and look up at me, "Can you read it to me, please?" he gives me his best puppy dog eyes, and I couldn't resist.
    "Alright, but only a chapter or two," he smiles brightly at my answer and I laugh, "You're such a child sometimes."
    "Yes, but a very cute one."
    "Well, I can't argue with that," I began running my spare hand through Barry's hair as I read him my book. I was so engrossed in the story I was reading, that I didn't notice he had fallen asleep until I happened to look down at him after having read 12 chapters. I closed my book so I could give him my undivided attention.
    I continued to run my hand through his hair, watching as he arched his back and turned his head so that I could reach his head better. He was laying on my legs so I couldn't get up, but I didn't want to wake him. He hadn't been sleeping well this week, nightmares had been bothering him, so I wanted to let him sleep for as long as he could. I pulled the afkin off the back of the couch and covered him with it. He sensed the weight on him and he pulled himself closer into me, snuggling in under the weight, and his entire body relaxed.
    I leaned my head back, resting it on the back of the couch, and I rested one of my hands on Barry's arm. No this wouldn't be the most comfortable position for me to sleep in, but I was still close to Barry, and he was sleeping peacefully, so I didn't really care.

Again, I'm really sorry about the long amount of time you had to wait for an update.

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