So There's This Person..

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Barry's POV-
    It has been 1 year, 5 months, 17 days, 13 hours, and 5 minutes since I realized I was in love with Caitlin Snow, but I had yet to summon the courage to tell her. Admiring her from afar was much simpler, even if Cisco continuously told me "Longingly staring at a certain brunette scientist when her back is turned is getting seriously creepy. You're The Flash, now man up and tell her how you feel!"
    I had just gotten one of those talks when a certain blonde haired alien just happened to walk into STAR Labs. She walked straight into the cortex with purposeful strides and stopped right in front of me.
     "If it isn't Kara Danvers! How are you?" I smile and give her a quick hug, but she pulls away with a serious look on her face.
     "Barry, I need some help with something and I can't really talk to anyone on my Earth about this so I came here to talk to you. I have about an hour before the DEO realizes that I used some of their tech to get here and they come to get me. Do you think you can help me?"
    "Yeah, of course Kara. Whatever you need, I'm happy to help." Her face lit up at my answer.
    "So um," her face flushed and she looked down at the floor, "there's this person, and I really, really like them but I don't know how to tell them. They're one of my best friends and I'm scared that if I tell them how I feel then things will get weird between us, but I don't think I want to be just friends anymore. They're one of the smartest, bravest, and most amazing people I know. They've helped me so many times as Kara Danvers, and as Supergirl. I've never been happier than when I'm with them, and when I'm not with them all I want is to be near them again. I was in a serious relationship for a while and they were still recovering from a past relationship so nothing happened between us, but now I'm not in a relationship anymore, and they're not seeing anyone right now. I- I think they might like me back but I'm not sure. We flirt sometimes, and they do this thing where they bite their lip sometimes and it drives me crazy and-" Her breath catches and she looks up at me, but I'm not looking at her, instead I'm in my own head.
     Everything she says matches up so well with Caitlin that I can't help but get suspicious, "Did Cisco put you up to this? He's been trying to get me to tell Caitlin how I feel for a while now and I keep telling him I'm not ready, so of course he brings in someone else to convince me, and of course it had to be you, and of course it would have to work." I look at Kara, but she looks confused.
      "Um, actually, I was talking about Lena Luthor." I blink at her in surprise, and then realize what a horrible mistake I made.
     "Oh my gosh, you were telling me all about the person you liked and I turned around and made it about me and I'm so sorry." I rub the back of my neck in embarrassment, but Kara just smiles.
     "It's fine Barry. So, you and Caitlin?"
     "Yeah, I've been in love with her for a while but just haven't found the courage to tell her yet, but I think you just convinced me to do it." I look at Kara and flash a smile, "So, you and Lena Luthor?"
     Kara's cheeks turn a shade of pink and she smiled shyly, "Yeah, I really like her Barry."
     "Then what're we doing still standing here?" She looks at me confused and I smile, "Let's go get our girls!"
     Kara laughs, then looks at me, a grateful look on her face, "Thanks, Barry."
     "Anytime, Kara." and with those parting words, we both rushed off on missions that would change our lives forever

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