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Barry's POV-

     It was a chilly December day and I was lounging on Caitlin's couch going over a meta file with her.

     "So we know he-" I started, but Caitlin interrupted me with a gasp. She jumped from her spot on the couch and ran towards the window.

     "It's snowing!" she squealed excitedly, then started bouncing around. She turned to face me with a huge grin on her face. Her eyes were sparkling and she looked at me and said, "Let's go outside."

     Before I could respond, she ran into her bedroom to grab her coat and gloves. I laughed at her excitement, then got up to put my coat on.

     "So much for working," I laughed to myself.

     Caitlin came running from her room, grabbed my arm, and dragged me outside.

     The cold air hit me like a slap in the face, but Caitlin seemed unfazed as she let go of my arm, closed her eyes, and turned her face to the sky.

     The snow fell gently, flakes landing in her hair and on her eyelashes. She looked so carefree. I can't remember the last time I had seen her so relaxed. She looked... beautiful. I stood on the sidewalk admiring her as she stuck out her tongue to catch snowflakes. One landed on her tongue and she giggled, and I smiled broadly because of the girlish sound I had just heard come out of her mouth.

     "You're breathtaking," I whispered quietly. I thought Caitlin wouldn't hear me, but she opened her eyes wide and turned to look at me, but her expression quickly turned from surprise to concern.

     "Barry," she rushed towards me, "you're shivering!"

     I had been so busy admiring Caitlin that I hadn't noticed my body's reaction to the cold. I was indeed shivering, and now that I was paying attention, I was freezing.

     "It's just a little chilly," I joked while my teeth chattered.

     "I forgot what the cold does to you, I'm so sorry!" Caitlin fretted. She grabbed my hand and pulled me back inside. "Take your coat off, go sit on the couch, and cover up with that blanket on the back."

     "Yes, Doctor," I flashed a smile at Caitlin and she rolled her eyes at me but smiled.

     "I'm going to go make some hot cocoa, now go sit down!" She gently shoved me in the direction of her couch. I sat down on it and pulled the blanket up over myself.

     A few minutes later, Caitlin came walking back in with two steaming cups.

     "Scoot over." She nodded her head to the left indicating the direction she wanted me to move. I did as she asked so she could sit down next to me.

     I took my cocoa from her and took a sip, but jumped in surprise when I felt arms wrap around my middle. I looked down and saw that Caitlin had wrapped her arms around me and was leaning on me.

     "I'm sharing body heat so you'll warm up faster," she blushed, "it's completely scientific."

     I put the cocoa down and wrapped my arms around her and she cuddled closer. I take my hand and run it through her hair, and she relaxes into my touch.

     "You know," Caitlin looks up at me when she hears my voice, "I meant what I said earlier."

     Caitlin bites her lip and looks away, but her eyes meet mine again.

     "What did you say?" she asks, but I know she knows what I'm talking about.

     "You, are absolutely breathtaking." I run my hand down the side of her face and she closes her eyes, leaning into my touch. I lean forward and kiss her gently, and she responds by kissing me back. I pull away after a while and rest my forehead against hers.

     Caitlin opened her eyes, and in them, I saw the same joyful spark that I noticed when she saw the snow earlier.

     "This is a really nice way to warm up," I joke, and Caitlin playfully pushes me away before she lays her head and my chest and cuddles closer. I go back to running my fingers through her hair until I notice she had fallen asleep on me. I chuckle and kiss the top of her head, perfectly content to stay like this forever.

A/N: So I know this one was super cheesy, but I just couldn't resist writing this. Hope you enjoyed, and please comment some ideas for future oneshots you'd like to see.

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