Go to Sleep

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Third Person POV-

     Caitlin lay in bed, her head resting on her boyfriend's chest, listening to his heart beat. Her eyes started to drift close just as she heard, "Do penguins have knees?"

     Caitlin lifted her head off of her boyfriends chest and looked him in the eyes. "Barry Allen, it is one o'clock in the morning, and you are asking me if penguins have knees?"

     "Um, I just really want to know," Barry ran his hand through his hair and gave her a sheepish smile.

     Caitlin rolled her eyes, "Yes, penguins have knees, now go to sleep!" She laid her head back on his chest and tried to go to sleep.

     "Do koala bears hibernate?"

    Caitlin let out a groan, "I don't know Barry! Go to sleep!"

     "Okay... How do fish sleep?"

     Caitlin growled and lifted off of Barry's chest. She picked up her pillow and hit Barry lightly upside the head with it. "Barry, I love you, but please let me sleep!"

     He gave her an apologetic look. "Okay."

     She laid her head back on his chest.

     "Hey Caitlin?" came Barry's tentative voice.

     "What?" she snapped.

     "I love you too."

     She smiled softly, pressed a kiss to his chest, and snuggled closer.  

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