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A/N: This story is adorable, but also long, so be prepared. Thanks for reading!

Barry's POV-

The sound of my phone going off at 6am woke me from a deep sleep and I reached over and grabbed it from my nightstand. Without looking to see who but was, I answered.

"Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Barry!" Yelled Felicity's voice from the phone, "Thank goodness you're awake, if you hadn't answered I would've been forced to call my mom! Do you think you could babysit Emily for the day? Oliver and I have to go do important Mayor and wife duties here in Central City and Thea was going to watch her but now she has the flu. I can just drop Emily off at STAR Labs with you or at your place, wherever you want me to, just please say yes!"

It took me a while to register her words in my tired state but I finally got what she was saying.

I answered in a tired voice, "You can drop her off over at Cait's, we've got to go over some files on a meta."

"Oh, if you and Caitlin have plans then I can get someone else to watch her, I don't want to bother you guys." Felicity's voice overflowed with excitement.

"Felicity, we're just going over a file, it's no problem. I'll head over now and then you can just drop her off whenever you can."

"Okay, thanks again Barry."

"No problem." I hung up and then super sped to my closet, changed, and then sped over to Caitlin's.

Caitlin's POV-

I was still in bed when I heard the knock on my door. I groaned as I lifted myself out of bed and then shuffled towards the door.

"Who is it?" I yelled as a precaution.

"The Scarlet speedster." Came the reply from the other side of the door. I quickly threw open the door and pulled Barry inside.

"Barry Allen, you can't just go around announcing yourself like that! Someone could hear you!" I scolded him. "What're you doing here so early? I thought you weren't coming over until 10, it's 6 o'clock. If I'd have known you were coming this early I would've had the files ready and I wouldn't look like I've just rolled out of bed." I self consciously crossed my arms across my chest and looked at Barry.

"I'm really sorry Cait, I know I'm really early and didn't call ahead to warn you, and there's more. Felicity called me a few minutes ago and told me that she and Oliver were going to be in Central City doing some Mayoral duties and they have no one to watch Emily and Felicity asked if I would... and I told her yes. She's going to be dropping Emily off here but I'm not sure when." Just as he was finishing his sentence, there was a knock on my door. My eyes widened and so did Barry's. Barry walked over to the door and opened it.

"Aunt Caity!" Cried a small voice. Emily ran towards me, arms outstretched. I bent down to pick her up and wrapped her in a tight hug.

"Emily!" She pushed off of me a little so I could see her face as I held her. "Gosh, you're getting to be so big!"

Barry began walking over toward us and the moment Emily saw him, she reached her arms out to him and called, "Uncle Barry!" He swiftly lifted her out of my arms and spun her around while she giggled. I watched the spectacle with a large smile plastered on my face.

"Barry is going to be a great dad someday." whispered Felicity. I jumped in surprise because I hadn't realized how close she had gotten to me and I was slightly embarrassed she had seen me staring.

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