Angry Cait

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Caitlin's POV-

     I felt like I was dying as another cramp took hold of me and I groaned, doubling over from the pain. I had debated whether or not to stay at home but there was a dangerous meta human loose in Central city and Barry and Cisco needed my help, if Barry were to get hurt and I wasn't there to help... I shook my head to clear away that thought. I slowly made my way to the cortex, one hand on the wall, the other on my abdomen.

     As I walk into the cortex I hear Barry and Cisco conversing loudly at the computers.

     "Dude, I can't believe you haven't seen the new Star Wars movie!" Cisco shouted at Barry. "That is an unforgivable crime." Shaking his head Cisco turned his chair in a circle and noticed me. "Hey, Caitlin. Can you please tell Barry that because he has not seen the newest Star Wars movie, he has committed a crime against humanity?" I was going to reply, but then another cramp took hold.

     My hands curled into fists and I said through gritted teeth. "Yes Cisco, it's a travesty." I continued to walk over to my chair at the computer and sat down, ignoring Cisco's confused look.

     "You okay Caitlin?" Barry asked me, concern showing on his face, "You seem a bit off." It was nice that he was concerned, but for some reason it just annoyed me.

     "I'm fine." I snapped at him, and he flinched. I didn't mean to snap at him, he was being sweet in asking. Who am I kidding he's always sweet, and funny, and handsome, and stop it Caitlin! He loves Iris. I looked away from Barry and started going through the computer and looking for signs of our meta human.

     Barry walked to the side of the desk I was at and stopped beside me. "You sure you're okay, Cait? You don't seem like it." Before I had the chance to respond, the meta alert went off. Cisco ran to his computer to check the location.

     "There's a meta in Central City Park, doesn't seem dangerous but be car-" Before Cisco could finish the sentence, Barry had run out of the building, leaving a mess of papers behind for me to clean up.

     "I hate when he does that!" I snap. I should shut up now, I really should, but I can't. Instead, I stand up and start pacing behind the desk. "He always runs off in a flash and a gust of wind, blowing papers everywhere and he never has to clean them up." I turn on Cisco, "You never help clean them up either! I get left to clean up the mess, but not today. Today, I'm going to leave the papers there, and when Barry comes back, he's going to clean them up without his super speed, and you're going to help him!" I poke Cisco in the chest as I say the last sentence, and he's staring at me with a scared look on his face.

     "Caitlin, there is definitely something up with you today. I don't know what it is, but you should chill." Cisco started backing away from me. I thought I was angry before, but when he told me that I should "chill", I lost it. Before I could open my mouth to yell at Cisco some more, Barry came running back in, blowing more papers around. He stopped in front of Cisco and I and tried to take in the scene as best he could. I was standing there, red in the face and angry, and Cisco was backing away from me with his hands up.

     Barry turns to Cisco, "Dude, what did you do?"

     Cisco tried to explain. "I didn't do anything! You ran out of here and blew all these papers around and she lost it! She told me that you and I were gonna have to clean them up and I told her to chill and I'm pretty sure that if you hadn't run in when you did, I'd be dead right now."

     "There's still a chance of that." I mutter under my breath so no one can hear me, but apparently I wasn't quiet enough because Barry turned and gave me a reprimanding look. "Don't look at me like that! You-" I was interrupted mid sentence by the worst cramp I'd had today and I doubled over in pain clutching at my stomach.

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