Everything Will Be Fine (Part 2)

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Caitlin's POV-
  I knew I was in a hospital even before I had opened my eyes, the smell was a dead giveaway. My head was pounding though so I wasn't quite ready to open my eyes, but I could feel the presence of another person in the room so I did. I figured it would be Cisco in the room so I was surprised to see Barry fast asleep in the chair by my hospital bed. As if sensing I was awake, Barry's eyes fluttered open and met mine.
  "Cait!" he leaned to the edge of his chair and grabbed my hand. "How're you feeling? Does your leg hurt? Your head?" he was tumbling over his words so I interrupted him.
"I'm fine Barry. I don't feel any pain in my leg, but my head hurts a little bit," I confessed.
  "I'll go get a nurse," Barry jumped out of his chair and started running towards the door.
  "Barry!" I called to him and quickly sat up in bed, but winced in pain.
  He noticed my wince and came rushing back to my side.
  "Lay back in bed! You got pushed down a flight of stairs, you shouldn't be moving!" he gently pushed me back down on the bed while I glared at him.
  "I'm a doctor Barry, I don't need you to tell me what to do, I know my limits." I sat back up in bed and looked down at my leg. It was in a bright pink cast.  "I don't have any clothes that match the color of this cast!" I complained to Barry to try and get him to laugh. He smiled, but it didn't meet his eyes.
  "You almost died today Caitlin," his voice was just above a whisper, and his tone broke my heart.
  "But I didn't. I'm still here, and this wasn't your fault. You had nothing to do with what happened today, so don't you dare go and blame yourself." I narrowed my eyes at him knowing very well where his train of thought was headed.
  "I should've stopped it," he tentatively reached out and grabbed my hand, "If anything were to happen to you Caitlin, I don't know what I'd do."
  "Barry," I gave his hand a squeeze and he looked up at me, "Do you know that you snore?" Barry laughed and I felt some of the tension go out of his body. He reached up and brushed a strand of hair out of my face and I leaned into his hand, thinking he wouldn't notice. He smiled at me and then rested his hand on my cheek and began running his thumb across my cheek.
  "You could've died today, and you would've died without knowing how much I care about you, and I don't want you to go another day without knowing," His eyes bore into mine, and I couldn't look away, "I'm in love with you Caitlin Snow, and I want to give us a chance. I want to be the reason that you smile, I want to hold your hand, I want to sing cheesy love songs to you, but most importantly I want to be by your side for the rest of my life."
  "Barry," a tear slid down my cheek and he wiped it away, his eyes never leaving mine, "I love you too." The smile that spread across his face was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. He leaned forward in his chair and rested his forehead against mine, our breath mingling, and I whispered, "I know one thing for sure Barry Allen, and it's that so long as I have you by my side, everything will be fine."
A/N: I have a Snowbarry one shot that I have written and want to post, but it has a hint of Supercorp in it. Should I put it in this book for you guys to read?

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