Everything Will Be Fine (Part 1)

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Caitlin's POV-
  The elevator seemed to be taking longer than normal as I rode up to the CCPD Crime Lab to help Barry with a case he was working on. The elevator was packed so I stood in the corner near the back. I watched the floors tick by one by one until the elevator finally reached the floor I need to get off at. I squeezed my way through the people and exited into the busy CCPD office. Walking through, I saw Joe sitting at his desk and waved at him as I made my way towards the stairs that would take me to Barry's lab. Just as I reached the top of the stairs and had turned to walk down the hall to Barry's lab, I heard a yell from behind me.
  "You!" I turned to find the source of the sound and found a large man standing a few feet in front of me... he looked angry. "You killed my son!" he screamed, and then he charged at me.
  I was too stunned to react. He ran straight at me and shoved me. My ankle twisted and I didn't have time to scream as I fell backwards, but there were only stairs behind me. I tumbled down them flipping over and over again. I hit my head multiple times on the trip down until I landed at the bottom of the stairs. My head was pounding so hard and darkness was swimming on the edge of my vision. I heard a voice calling my name, and then I blacked out.

Barry's POV-
  I was sitting at my computer looking over the case I was working on when I heard a commotion in the hallway. Someone was yelling which was normal in a police station, but what wasn't normal was when I began to hear loud thumping and crashes. My curiosity got the better of me and I walked down the hallway to see a man being restrained by three police officers.
  He was yelling, "She killed my son! Her particle accelerator killed my son!"
  My blood ran cold as I realized there was only one person he could be talking about.
  "Barry! Help!" I looked down the stairs where Joe had called from and saw her. She was lying at an awkward angle, her hair spread out behind her. She looked to be barely breathing. I took the stairs two at a time as I ran down to her.
  "Cait!" her name escaped from my lips as a pained cry as I fell to the floor by her side and set her head in my lap. She moaned in pain.
  I brushed the hair from her face as I inspected her body for injuries. Her leg was bent back and looked broken, and she had a large cut on her head that I was sure resulted in her having a concussion.
  "Cait," I whispered, "stay with me. You're gonna be fine." I looked up at Joe and could see he was worried too. "Her leg looks broken and she could have a concussion. She's unconscious and barely breathing," I lowered my voice so only Joe could hear, "I'd flash her out of here if I could but I'm afraid it would hurt her more."
  "As soon as she fell, I called an ambulance and they should be here soon. They said that for now, we just need to keep her as still as possible." Joe's gaze shifted to the man struggling against the cops holding him at the top of the stairs. "I think you can handle her until then, I'm gonna go collar him with an assault charge." Joe stood up and headed towards the stairs. I kept my eyes on Caitlin, monitoring her breathing. Her head was bleeding pretty heavy so I ripped a piece of my shirt and pressed it to the wound. She moaned in pain at the contact but I kept my hand there.
  "Let us through! Where is she?" I heard the paramedics shouts coming from the elevator.
  "Over here!" I shouted, panic rising in my voice. They rushed towards where I held Caitlin on the floor. "Please, help her."
  The lead paramedic assessed her quickly.
  "Broken leg, 3 inch long abrasion to the head, possible concussion. Bring the stretcher over," she relayed the information and commands to the two paramedics with her. The two men pushed the stretcher closer and the lead paramedic looked at me. "We need to mover her, sir."
  I nodded my head at her and she reached underneath Cait placing one arm under her neck and the other under her legs, lifting her off the ground. Cait whimpered and a tear rolled down my cheek.
  "Can I ride in the ambulance with her?" I gave the paramedic a pleading look.
  She looked at me skeptical, "We're not supposed to do this, but I guess so, come on."
  I sighed in relief and followed them to the ambulance.
Everything's going to be fine, I thought to myself, Everything has to be fine.

A/N: So, this wasn't the story I had planned to publish but I hope you like it anyway.
IMPORTANT: I'm planning on writing a full length book but have two ideas and need helping choosing! Would you rather read an Agents of Shield and The Flash crossover book, or a book about Snowbarry where a meta pretends to be Barry and takes over his life? Please comment your answer!

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