Laser Tag

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Barry's POV-

     Central City had been pretty quiet recently. No evil metas, no big cases, just nice and peaceful... and I was getting restless.

     "So," I say as I walk into the cortex. Cisco and Caitlin's heads pop up to look at me. "What do you guys think about having some fun tonight? I'm getting bored with nothing to do around the city," I whined as I slumped into the computer chair next to Caitlin. She gave me a sympathetic look.

     "What were you thinking?" she asked.

     "I know what we can do!" Cisco jumped from his chair and ran from the cortex. I looked over at Caitlin and laughed at Cisco's outburst.

     "Should we follow him?" I asked her.

     "He'll be back soon," Caitlin smiled.

     Just then, Cisco came running back into the cortex with three large guns.

     "How about we play laser tag?" Cisco said, bouncing with excitement. "I've been working on these for a while, just for fun."

     "They don't shoot real lasers, do they?" Caitlin asked, concern etched in her features.

     "No, mom," Cisco rolled his eyes at Caitlin and she smiled. "They're absolutely harmless. I have vests that go along with them and some night vision goggles too. We can turn all the lights out in the building and play."

     "I'm in," Cisco grinned at my answer, then looked at Caitlin expectantly.

     "Two rules," she said glaring at Cisco and I, "You both stay out of my lab, and no powers."

     That was answer enough for Cisco and he ran off to grab the rest of the gear. I glanced over at Caitlin.

     "How about we make this interesting?" I ask. Caitlin looks at me confused.

     "How so?" she asks. I smirk at her. She was cute when she was confused.

     "Loser buys the winner dinner," she blushed at the idea and bit her lip.

     "Um, sure. But you should know, I don't eat cheap," she joked with me and I laughed.

     "Is that a challenge Dr. Snow?" I asked, smirking.

     "Oh, definitely Mr. Allen," she laughed.

     Cisco came running back in with the vests and glasses and gave Caitlin and I our gear.

     "Okay, once we'e suited up, we have a minute to find hiding spots before the lights go out and the guns and vests activate. Got it?" asked Cisco. Caitlin and I nodded our heads and finished gearing up. "Alright, the minute starts now!" Cisco, Caitlin, and I run out of the cortex. Cisco turns left and Caitlin and I turn right.

     "You better not be going to my hiding spot!" I call over my shoulder to Caitlin.

     "Same goes for you!" she called back and started running faster until she got ahead of me.

     "Wait a minute, are you running in high heels?" I yell incredulous. She smirks over her shoulder at me and runs into the garage with me closely following her.

     "You can't hide here, I was going to hide here!" I stop running and so does she.

     "Well, maybe we can make this work," she suggests, right as the lights go out. "Don't shoot!" she calls at me.

     "How can we make this work?" I ask, genuinely curious and also distracted by how she glowed when I looked at her through my night vision glasses.

     "Maybe we can team up to get Cisco," she says as she starts walking towards me, swaying her hips. I take a step back but bump into the wall and she smiles.

     "Um, yeah, that could work," I stumble over my words getting more flustered as she walks closer until shes leaning into me. "Cait, what're you doing?" I ask, not sure what was happening.

     She leaned her face up towards me and I reacted on instinct, closing my eyes and leaning down to meet her lips, but before I could kiss her I heard a loud beeping noise and my eyes flew open. Caitlin was grinning evilly at me, gun in hand, and my vest was dark. She had shot me.

     "You lose," she smiled innocently, "looks like you owe me dinner."

     I laughed and then looked down at her and said, "You cheated, that's not fair."

     She winked at me and said, "All's fair in love and war," then took off running from the garage, and I took off after her.  

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