Brave Enough

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A/N: This song was inspired by the song Brave Enough by Lindsey Stirling (listen above). Disclaimer: This song belongs to her, not me.

Caitlin's POV-

I was sitting in my lab doing an analysis on Barry's blood when he walked in. He was pacing around like he was nervous. I turned around to face him.

"Barry, if you keep pacing like that you're going to make a trench in the floor." He looked up at me and nervously smiled, but still looked tense. "Barry, is everything okay?"

His demeanor softened at my question, and he looked at me. I couldn't quite place the emotion in his eyes, but I knew that it scared me. He started walking towards me, talking as he came. "Caitlin, I've known you for a while now, and I think I can trust you with anything. Can I?"

I smiled softly at Barry, "Of course you can, you can tell me anything." He was starting to scare me now. He pulled a chair in front of mine and sat down, staring at me.

"Cait, there's some things I need to say because I need to get this off my chest. You've been there for me through so much and you've helped me become who I am. I couldn't do any of what I do without you, you're like my rock. I've been so blind lately, and I'm sorry." I noticed Barry's eyes were beginning to mist over, and I could feel tears forming in my eyes. Barry continued, "I've spent so long chasing after Iris, that I never saw what I had right in front of me. You have always,always been here when I needed you. Whenever I doubted myself or thought about giving up, you were here to tell me that I could be a hero." Barry grabbed my hand in his. He used his free hand to wipe away stray tears that started to fall down my face, and I involuntarily leaned into his touch. "I wasted a lot of time not being with the woman that I really love, and I don't want to waste anymore time. I love you Caitlin Snow." He stood up and pulled on my hand, making me stand up along with him. He put his hands on my waist and leaned in, and then he was kissing me.

I kissed him back eagerly, my hands wrapping around his neck and tangling in his hair, our tears mingling with our lips. I felt so dizzy and I couldn't breathe. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away, a sob escaping my lips.

"I can't!" the broken cry fell from my mouth before I could stop it. Barry took a step away from me, a pained expression on his face.

"What?" he was so hurt and confused, it hurt to look at him.

"I've spent so long looking for the perfect guy. I found Ronnie, and I was so happy, and then he died. Then Jay showed up and I fell in love with him and we both know how horrible that turned out! And then there's you. You are absolutely perfect, you're everything I've ever wanted in my life, and you have no idea how much I want this." I was sobbing now, tears freely flowing and I was gasping for breath. "I've been hurt so many times, lost so many people that I've loved. I can't put myself through that again, but I can't" I put a hand over my mouth, trying to contain my emotions.

"Cait," Barry's voice broke, "please-"

"I'm sorry Barry. I'm so, so sorry. I wish-" I choked back a sob, "I wish I was brave enough to love you, but I'm not. I can't."

I turned away from Barry and ran from STAR Labs to my car. I collapsed into the driver's seat and gave myself over to my misery.

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