Morning Discoveries

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Joe had been trying to call Barry for the past hour, but he wouldn't pick up his phone. Barry was late for work and Captain Singh was angry which is why Joe was now outside of Barry's apartment knocking vigorously on the door.

"Barry, open up!" Joe continued to knock until the door finally opened to reveal a very disheveled Barry. Joe gave him a quick glance before pushing past him into the apartment.

"Joe, wait-" Barry tried to stop Joe, but Joe was already inside.

"Barry," Joe interrupted Barry before he could finish, "it's nine o'clock, why aren't you at work?"

Barry rubbed the back of his neck in discomfort. "I'm sick," he faked a cough, "I just called Singh and told him that I'm taking a sick day." Just as Barry finished his sentence, Joe's phone dinged, alerting him to a text. Joe pulled his phone out to look.

"Well, I guess Singh believed you because he just told me to come back to work because you're too sick to work." Joe narrowed his eyes at Barry. "He may believe you,but I'm not buying this sick act for a second. What's going-"

"Barry?" female voice called from Barry's room.

Barry got a panicked look on his face and opened his mouth to yell something, but before he could, the female occupant walked out of his room.

"Barry, I can't find my pants. Do you know where they are?" Her hair was tangled and she was wearing one of Barry's shirts, which was too big on her, but Joe recognized her immediately.

"Caitlin?" Joe called out. Caitlin's head shot up to look at him, a terrified expression on her face. After a moment of tense silence, Joe started laughing. Both Barry and Caitlin looked at him in confusion. "You two look like deer caught in headlights!" Joe continued to laugh for a while longer before he sobered and looked at the pair.

Caitlin was nervously pulling on the hem of Barry's shirt while biting her lip, and Barry was inching his way in front of her in an attempt to hide her from Joe's view.

"Look Joe, I was planning on telling you soon. Not this soon, but soon. Can you please keep this quiet until Caitlin and I are ready to tell everyone?" Barry was practically begging.

Joe gave the pair a small smile, "Your secret's safe with me."

Caitlin sighed in relief, "Thank you, Joe."

Joe shook his head, "No problem. I should get back to work. Have fun you two, but not too much fun, I'm not ready to be a grandpa yet."

"Joe!" Barry yelled, mortified.

"I was kidding," Joe chuckled. "Well, mostly. Bye you two." Joe walked out of the apartment chuckling, then muttered, "The only kind of sick that boy is, is lovesick."

A/N: I know this one shot wasn't too full of Snowbarry, but I just really liked this idea and had to write it. I hope you enjoyed. Also, should my next one shot be fluffy or painful?

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