(5) Scar Worship

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Caitlin's POV-
    They were hard to ignore, the scars that were littered across his skin. Every one of them he wore like a badge of honor, because he received them while defending his city and the people he loved. I've seen them before, but it still makes my heart twist whenever I look at them. Especially the one on his right leg, the one I gave him.
    He was standing in the med bay waiting for me to do his routine physical, his shirt laying on the chair beside him, his back to the doorway. I leaned against the doorframe, taking my time to admire him without him noticing. I try to count the scars that line his back, try to recall how he got each one and which of them I had to help patch up. I quietly walk towards him, making sure my heels don't click as I do so. I stop, inches away from him, and wrap my arms around his waist from behind.
    He jumps in surprise, "Geez, Cait, you scared me! Don't sneak up on my like that."
    I don't respond to his surprise, instead I kiss one of the scars on his shoulder and he tenses, "I love you because you're brave," I move to the next scar that rests right below the nape of his neck and kiss it gently and he relaxes a bit, "and you're kind," the next scar sits directly between his shoulder blades, "because you're a hero," Barry turns in my arms so that he can face me, his face lit up in the most gorgeous smile. I lift one of my hands to gently run along his cheek, along one of his newest scars, then stand on my tiptoes to kiss it, "because you always think of others," I put my feet solidly back on the ground and looked deep into his eyes that currently held so much love, "but most importantly, I love you because you're you, and I'm so lucky that you love me," I lift onto my tiptoes again and connect my lips with his in a soft kiss. We pull apart and I rest my head on his shoulder.
    "Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?" Barry ran his hand up and down my back, pulling me closer.
    "Everytime I see those scars, it breaks my heart because you got hurt, but it also reminds me how much I love you because you put yourself at risk every day for people and never complain even though those marks are a testament to what you go through. I just wanted to show you that I love you, and I think you're a hero."
    "What did I ever do to deserve you?"
    "You chose to love me, scars and all, and I decided to return the favor."

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