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Zubaida Adam, She a typical out of collage student with bachelor degree in law, she just got a letter accepting her to do an internship at a classy new attorney firm in central Durban, called Brick and Hornett cc. She and her boyfriend Yusuf Gani, who also a lawyer and had finish a year earlier, they were the "it" couple and they planned on working together at Brick and Hornett, so the first person she wanted to share her good news was him, she rushed over to his apartment at North beach, and walked in since she had her own set of keys, they been together for four years so it seem like a good idea, when she found him making out with her so called best friend, Laila. The three typical response to this would be to slap him, cry and walk out or act normal and leave silently, but I didn't do that I did all three, I walked over to him and slap him hard, breathed normal, pasted a fake smile and walked out with my head held high and start tearing after being a safe distance from his apartment, I was shocked, hurt and angry, how could they, but I wasn't your typical Muslim girl, I'm going to get even and show him what a mistake he made.

My revenge plan:

1: Find super hot rich Hunk as my boyfriend.

2: Work my ass out at my new job.

3: And be as tempting and sexy with my new pair of velvet blue stilettos'.

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