Chapter 55: Zeenat and Shuaib

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Zubaida in stilettos

Zubaida goes through with phase 1

Chapter 55:

Zeenat P.O.V:

After weeks of preparation my day has finally come! I was so excited I think I hardly got any sleep that night!

Everything is planed to perfection! My parents really outdid themselves. I am truely grateful for everything.

My theme is ofcouse eastern, my aunties just love dressing in the traditional punjabi's and gara's. Even the younger generation with their sari's and other strange dresses.

Tonight is a sortof like intro for my family to meet Shuaib, I can't wait to show him off.

Mom: Wake uP! Zeenat! Zubaida's here!

Me: Coming!

Zubaida: hey gorguz, ready for ur appointment?

Me: huh..what appointment!

Mom: Ya Allah this child, go and bath and change, Zubaida's taking you to do ur hair and make-up, hurry up, you only hav 15 mins to get ready!

Me: okaay!

After having the quickest shower and changing I rushed down and jumped into Zubaida's car

Zubaida: lol calm down, we will make it

Me:(breathing heavy) I hope so...I just want everything to go as smoothly as it can

Zubaida: it will (big smile) by the way your plan for phase 1 totally worked! Zuhayr is like a puppy dog, lol

Me: well I am glad, he deserves some much needed love tender and care.

Zubaida: I agree, soo what's phase 2!

Me: well what is he's favorite thing about you?

Zubaida: uhh I don't know (embarrassed) I never asked...why?

Me: well phase 2 is getting to know each other on a personal level, really personal. So organised a private setting where conversations can flow.

Zubaida: hmm okay I shall try my best, did you notice anything weird about Shuaib's status?

Me: Yeah...his actually being a girl and counting the days down in spanish (laughing) apparently his new motto is to learn two new languages before we married and spanish is one of them

Zubaida: aww how romantic!

Me: yeah...but you should see how his first attempt went! A total Youtube moment!

Zubaida: You didn't?!

Me: I'm tempted but no I couldn't do that to him. But he's so cute when he can't get a certain word...he like sits for few minutes to actually think!sometimes he cheats and googles it.

Zubaida: so what's your new motto?

Me: guess (big smile)

Zubaida: uhhh learn karate?

Me: (rolling eyes) nooo! I'm learning to make all the traditional Indian dishes and finally getting my roti round! Shuaib is in for a treat

Zubaida: lucky man! I still use the plate method

Me: yeah if I'm in a hurry I will definitely revert to that method, no one said it had to be hand made

Zubaida: exactly sista! Let's get ready!

After setting for three hours, we were finally ready!

Shuaib P.O.V:

Me: why did I ever decide on spanish again!!

Zuhayr: beat me, I told you to learn Zulu, it's more apropriate!

Me: I know Zulu! Well a little!

Zuhayr: trust me swearing isn't a little it's nothing!

Me: fine!

Zuhayr: don't be a grump! It's your engagement, I can't believe you getting hitched! Before you met her, it was bachelorhood forever!

Me: Yeah, Zeenat changed me man, for the better, I just love everything about her. She completes me and she's helping me complete my deen

Zuhayr: true...(Has this far off look)

Me: so what's with you and miss Zubaida?

Zuhayr: I wish I knew, I mean things are great...She's amazing, my perfect match in everyway..

Me: sounds like you love her man! Congrats!

Zuhayr: (blushing) I do..but I can't seem to tell her, It's like I'm scared she will reject me!

Me: oh come on, man up! It's not that scary, I told Zeenat I loved her, the day after our first date! Easy as pie!

Zuhayr: Yeah says the man who's good at words!

Me: want some help?

Zuhayr: yeah would really appreciate it man

Me: no problemo!

With helping Zuhayr in his love life, help ease the tension that's been on me. I am so happy to finally be official with Zeenat, But my stupid uncle is making my life a hell hole with his lame demands.

Me: see you at the hall, bye

Zuhayr: laters!cheers to Shuaib getting hitched!

Hours later!

Zeenat P.O.V:

After greeting all the aunties and taking a million pictures it was finally home time! I was exhausted.

Who knew smiling all the time could be soo problematic!

Me: My face hurts and my feet are killing me!

Shuaib: You shouldve brought a flats as well, those heels are dangerous! I am banning you from ever wearing them again!

Me: Not these babies! They my first ever Loubtons! You know the cost of them! You can't ban them! Don't they make me look sexier!

Shuaib: to me, you, in anything even a bin bag would look gorgeous, I love you not your looks! And I don't want you to get hurt! I love you too much for that!

Me: than instead of complaining about my lack of preparation, carry me to the car (eyelash face)

Shuaib: At your service Madam! (Salute me) 

Me: That's right Adam, pick me up in your strong arms!

He actually carried me and we even shared our first real kiss! It was amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better night.

Author note:

Sorry there not much on the actually engagement

Isn't Zee & Shuaib just so nunuz

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