Chapter 57: Phase 2 The Pizza Night

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Zubaida in stilettos

Phase 2 is place into action & Irfaan met Husnaa's mom

Chapter 57:

Phase 2:

Zubaida P.O.V:

After cutting the call, I quickly organised things with my parents and set about making the house presentable. I wore my favorite sweater and comfy blue jeans, add lightly make-up and organised the food, I placed an order at Debonair. I told them at 8, enough time to get things started. Also added a few games we could try out.

Precisely at 7 p.m my sweet punctual boyfriend arrives. We greet each other and settle down in the sitting room.

Me: Thanks for coming at such short notice

Zuhayr: it's fine, I didn't have any plans and I couldn't wait to see you again, did I mention you looked amazing at Shuaib and Zeenat engagement!

Me: (blushing) yes you did and I never get tired of hearing it

Zuhayr: So what on the agenda today?

Me: Want to play some chess while we wait for the pizzas?

Zuhayr: Sure, that's if you don't mind losing?(Winking) I am a pro!

Me: we'll see (big smile)

After two rounds of chess, which I won, our food arrived. And Zuhayr is such a sore loser.

Zuhayr: I still think you cheated

Me: Oh come on, I didn't, and how would I, it's impossible.

Zuhayr: yeah okay I guess.

Me: the next game you can pick okay?

Zuhayr: sure, let's chow I'm starving!

Me: when aren't you! (Laughing)
And eat with your mouth close, I am a lady after all

Zuhayr: (munching) sorry

Me: and don't eat with your mouthfull!

Zuhayr: (shallowing) yes mom!

And like that we kept teasing and asking questions like hobbies, typical day is like etc. I had an amazing time. We might not have a lot in common but we somehow fit like jigsaw puzzle. We compliment each other and the differences is what attracts us.

Me: I had fun tonight, thanks for coming.

Zuhayr: me too, it amazing, Zubaida..uhm there's something I have been meaning to say...and I think this would be the perfect time

Me: yeah?


(Cliffhanger :p)

Unknown P.O.V:

Younger generation have no appreciation for the elders wisdom and knowledge!

My children were well brought up and always listen, but my brother's child, Ya Allah he drives me mad with his disrespect!

Me: Honestly he's taking this too far, we found someone much suited than this..this girl.

Brother: But bha(brother) he loves this girl, and she's such a pleasant girl with a good family!

Me: what love! Love comes after marriage, I won't argue she comes from a good home and is respectable, but prancing around with Shuaib in Cape Town, Nah Nah not good enough for me.

Brother: Please bha just accept it. The girl didn't go to meet Shuaib there, she was with her friend, anyways this hasn't anything to do with Shuaib choice, has to do with my choice, you never accepted my marriage, even though I am in a good marriage!

Me: Don't you bring that up! I have nothing against your wife! This is just about Shuaib and him making the wrong choice!

Brother: I'm sorry bha but I will have to side with my son! Slmz

How dare he walks away! Don't worry I shall show him the right way!

Author note:

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Lot of love

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