Chapter 65: Yusrah and A Job Offer!

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Zubaida in stilettos
Our beloved Zeenat and Shuaib got married, leading to the birth of their cute baby. And Zubaida still dating Zuhayr for 5 years now.

Chapter 65:
Irfaan P.O.V:
It the big day, my first most important step.....

My interview at Travis Kilt, Travis kilt, how do I explain to you my dream of working there, it an engineer dream job. Travis kilt is world-wide recognize, it one of the top used firms. I had wanted to work here since I had taken my subjects in grade 10. I am in my fourth and final year at DUT, and decided to do my internship there. I don't care if I will be busboy, as long as I am working there I am in engineering haven. My parents are extremely proud of me, and my achievement, therefore he pull some string for an interview if I nailed it, and I am well on my way to achieving a lifelong dream.

Me: Hello I am Irfaan Ahmed, I am here to see Miss Yumna...

Receptionist looked up, nodded and type in some details, and asked me to wait and that Yumna will be along soon.

I sit down and wait few minutes when a young lady comes up and call me

Miss Yumna: Irfaan Ahmed

Me: Yes that me

Miss Yumna: Hello, I am Yumna, your guide and interview for today, please follow me

While trailing behind, I couldn't help but notice the interior of the company, for it warm up with neutral brown colors and comfortable seating.

Miss Yumna: we like to think of the office as our home, we have plenty of late nights, part of the job.

Me: okay

We entered her office, it tiny compared to the others we passed by, but I could see she has pride at earning her position, it is like her second home.

Miss Yumna: Alright Mr Ahmed, have a seat

Me: Thank you

Miss Yumna: would you like any refreshments?

Me: no thank you

Miss Yumna: Okay so let get to the git of this meeting, we heard about your outstanding results in campus, also that you come highly recommend by few institutes you volunteer at, it all impress but what we looking for is something fresh, a new age. Everything is high tech and what not, tell us what we can expect from you?

Me: first I would like to thank you for this opportunity, and as for what I bring is innovative, and determination, with the evolving world we got to change and adapt, and with certain pride I can say I am well adapted and can work well with changes. For me these provide a challenge I am craving. It a dream to work here and I see this company as my stepping stone into being what I am meant to be. I am first an engineer with a second talent of IT specialist. I am the change needed to soar this company into better and greater highest

Miss Yumna: well that good answer, but what I am looking for is passion, driven determination and ofcouse group ethics, You shown some, but for group ethics there nothing there, we are a family..

Me: Family is a chain of system Miss Yumna, no one can function without the others, what I tried explaining earlier, is I am willing, my ability of adaption includes groups of any kind, I work well under pressure and I see this company as part of my existences.

Miss Yumna: there three other applicants vying for this position, what your take on that?
Me: For me this interview is a stepping stone, I see no win or lose situation because if am not what you looking for, than those three deserve it, my personal opinion is no one is not worthy, just take the right person to see their talent.

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