Chapter 47: Moe Return

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Zubeida In Stilletos


We discovered a little more about Zuhayr's past

Chapter 47:

Husnaa P.O.V:

Me: Moe! You back! I missed you so much!

Moe: (laughing) surprise, I thought it's time I come back, missed me or my handsome face?

Me: Ha-ha very funny, when did you get back? How was your trip? Your mother must be over the moon? Where is she by the way? Why you never chat to me?

Moe: Woah take a breather, all will be answered soon, and mom in the kitchen helping your mom, and I think she is happy, she can't stop crying...

Me: ofcouse she is, aw I'm so happy to have you back, I got so much to tell you!

After chatting a little more, when my mom called me to come help, since Zuhayr was having dinner by Zubaida, I only set up four places, shame Moe so sweet helping me, after a very loud supper, we went to the lounge to chat and watch some TV.

Moe: So to answer your previous questions, I couldn't chat because I was busy, Went to my dad's, he seem happy, and I just got in today, but I couldn't have been happier to be back, I missed my bed, mom and you

Me: I missed you too

Moe: so what did you want to tell me?

Me: well you remember my friend Raisa, well she's back with Rayhaan, thanks to Irfaan, and well Irfaan...I mean...uh we both are dating..

I don't know why I couldn't just tell him, I guess I'm still not sure how he will handle it. He did after all warn me against him...

Moe: Okaay, how did that happen?

He seem normal, but I know him too well, he's bottling up how he really feels, is he angry, or upset perhaps...

Me: well we got this connection, and I really like him Moe, he's just really sweet and I kind of got jealous when he dated Raisa...

Moe: wait what? What you mean dated Raisa?

Me: well you see the thing is he and Raisa dated for a bit and that's when he found out about her and Rayhaan and got them back together, isn't that just sweet?

Moe: Ja I guess, listen I am really tired, long trip and all. Uhm so we'll catch up later, I'm really happy for you.

He didn't seem happy, looked really sad, what's wrong...

Zeenat P.O.V:

Shuaib is coming back today, I am so excited, and I didn't see him in so long! We were invited for dinner by his parents, His mother has been so supportive, and is a total amazing woman. I got the best mother in law ever!

We getting along so well, and to be honest I hope it lasts. I want to be a worthy daughter in law. After getting ready, I decided to phone Zubaida, She is on cloud 9 since her supper with Zuhayr, seems like someone is smitten by my lawyer bestie!

I can't blame him, lol not after I heard the dishes she prepared, she went all out. Roast chicken with wedges, masala steak, naan and fresh rolls, Greek salad, and for pudding her famous chocolate mousse. How I wish I had went for it now.

Who would've thought our lawyer is a great cook, she always complains she was born to shop not cook, I could disagree, and I know Zuhayr will agree. After getting the recipe from Zubaida for the mousse, after all I did need to take something along.

After cutting the call with her, I heard a knock on the door

Wonder who that could be....

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