Chapter 64: The Wedding of Zeenat and Shuaib!

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Zubaida in stilettos

PreviouslyZubaida receives an email from Zeenat, plans are put into place. Shuaib agrees to marry Amina!

Chapter 64

Shuaib's P.O.V:

My wedding day...I loved the sound of that. Thankfully the hall is decorated by a special friend, so I know Zee would love it. We informed most of our family members what's actually going on, so they won't be surprise when Zee family joins. It took a lot of convincing especially our dads that what we are doing is for the best. We got our blessings to go ahead, the few out of the loop, didn't really pay much attention thankfully.

I woke up early and went for my morning jog, I started ever since Zee left. Its a part of me now. I know what happened will just strengthen us, and Allah has better plans, hopefully we are doing the right thing. I met up with Zuhayr.

Me: hey bro! What did you find out?

Zuhayr: You won't believe it, she's been married three times before! And she and her mother are like some scam artist, some hectic messes they involved in. They like take millions from they exs, and all know your uncle! She definitely has it in for him

Me: gosh, she just full of surprises, luckily Zee told us to check into her past, we just got to get her back! But how...

Zuhayr: leave that to me and Zubaida, you just get to the masjid in time!

Me: okay thanks for everything.

After getting home, I had a quick shower, dressed up in my Kurta and headed for the masjid, Zee and I were planning to get married at Zuhyr time, and we planned a special surprise for Amina who thought that the nikaah is at magrib time.

After all the formalities of our nikaah was performed, I told Zee to get ready for the reception, I can't wait to see my bride. Hearing her voice after all these months, just made it harder for me to stay away. I am the luckiest man on Earth.

Arriving home, I quickly changed into my suit and headed to Amina's bridal suite, Zuhayr and the special guest were already there. Time to confront the wicked witch.

Me: Amina open the door! (Knocking really loud) because I know my uncle is inside, celebrating their so called success!

Amina: Shuaib! What are you doing here!

Me: open I want to talk!

Amina: we can talk at the wedding, it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding...

Me: fine, have it your way...

I couldn't force her, if she wanted to be humiliated the hard way ,than, who am I to argue?

Me: Do you know the plan?

Zuhayr: yep, meet Shuaib, our secret weapon, he is an expert with computers, she won't know what hit her.

Shuaib: pleasure to meet you, it time she met her match (smirk)

Amina's P.O.V:

Me: we can talk at the wedding, its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding... (I'm praying he doesn't carry on insisting, his uncle is here "to celebrate" his win, it would be awkward to explain that to Shuaib)

Me: fine ,have it your way...

Thankfully he left but his words "have it your way" give me the he planning something?

After that stupid man left, we got an sms that said there had been a deposit of R 100 000, his payment ofcouse for getting married, victory tastes so sweet

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