Chapter 35: A win for Zubeida

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Zubaida in stilettos

Shuaib proposes & irfaan broke up with Raisa

Chapter 35:

Zubaida P.O.V:

The court commense, my nerves are wrecked, I stayed up throughout the night preparing my final statement, this will make or break the case.

Natalie: hey you will be fine, just say what you prepared and we will win this, have faith girl!

Me: thanks (small smile) I'm nervous but I can do this, been preparing for a while now

Judge: Okay councils it's time to deliver your final statements, first up is Miss Adam.

Me: Good morning to the judge, fellow councils. My client, who is a mother, only ask this court to take her point of view into consideration. She's a mother, who's heart beats for her child, fine a child needs a father, but mothers love is essense for any child, from all her character building we can see that she is a good mother, never shown any indication of what my fellow council states. We all human and fallable to mistakes, but client never made a mistake that gives her ex husband the right to give up her right to her own child, her flesh and blood, he didn't want to recouncil, she tried her best, even his own statement state that it was due to his own choice for divorce. All I ask is that you consider the right of this mother, thank you.

Afterwards the counsil gives their statement, and to be honest it could go any way.

Judge: after reviewing evidence and the statements from both side counsils, and have come to a decision. It's not a hard decision to make but there's a child involved and it's only right we take a decision that will benefit the child. So I decided to award the mother full custody, but with provision for the father to come visit. And that is my final decision.

Me: Omgee we just won: ( everyone was clapping hands and we all are happy to win the case)

After filling the last of the paperwork, we all decided to go out for supper to celebrate our victory.

Natalie: I told you, it's a winning statement.

Josh: three Cheers to us (holding up his glass of colddrink)

Me:(laughing and clicking agaisnt his) cheers, thanks guys, I couldn't have done it without you guys.

After supper I went home to another celebration, my sister got a proposal!

What a day!

I decided to give Zuhayr an update, we been chatting a lot lately since we couldn't hangout with hectic work schedule.

Zuhayr: hey doll how are you?

Me: great, I won my first case! And my sister is proposed!

Zuhayr: congrats sweetie, that's great news, everyone must be so excited

Me: yeah they are

Zuhayr: are you busy later?

Me: not that I can think of, why?

Me: lol okay

Wonder what he's planning, and something warm hmm..I decided to wear my grey top with my black cardigan and my trusty blue jeans and takkies. I tied my hair in a pony and applied light make-up.

There's a hooter outside and I went down quickly and told my parents that I'm going with Zuhayr.

Husnaa P.O.V:

Me: whaat?! Why? Are you okay?

Raisa: yeah I'm fine, it's actually sweet, he found out about me and Rayhaan and well he wanted me to give Rayhaan another chance.

Me: oh and are you?

Raisa: to be honest, I don't know yet, we talking again and we taking it one day at a time

Me: okay, I'm always here for you

Raisa: thanks, and I told irfaan the truth, that I asked you to stop talking to him

Me: you didn't have to

Raisa: I know

After chatting a little, we cut. Wonder what Irfaan's going to do, will he try talking again...

Mom: Husnaa you got a visitor

Huh who could that be...

me: okay I'm coming!

It's Cassim

Me: salaams cassim

Cassim: wslmz husnaa, I need a favour, I borrowed a friend of mines my usb cable, I was wondering If I could borrow yours

Me: sure just a minute I will go and get it

Cassim: okay thanks

After giving him the usb, he asked if I seen the latest movie out, something called Grand masti, I said no

Cassim: would you like to go with me? I mean if you want to?

Me: sure, sounds like fun, I will tell the girls

Cassin: I meant just us, not the gang...

Me: a date?..(Shocked)

Cassim: yeah...

Me: well uhm sure, I would love to

So it was settled for this saturday.

Author note:

And where do you think Zuhayr is taking Zubaida?

And will irfaan find out that Cassim asked Husnaa out?

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Lot of love
Zubaida in stilettos

Thanks to aLl my awesome fans :*

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