Chapter 60: Drama

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Zubaida in stilettos

Mr Ismail and Zubaida work together on a case, and Zeenat finds out about Shuaib's "second wife"

Chapter 60:

Zeenat P.O.V:

Omgod! I couldn't believe my ears! I mean he didn't even tell me...

After sulking for few days and avoiding all contact with him and the outside world I received a surprise guest.


Me: salaams

Amina: wslmz I'm sorry for bothering, I know I'm the last person you would want to see, but I need to explain it to you...

Me: I..uhm

Amina: listen your fiance knew nothing about our situation, and it was just decided that day we met that he could consider second marriage, he really loves you, that's why my mother couldn't break you guys up, but we desperate and he is the only decent guy we know that could help, that's why she asked, he didn't agree, he truly loves you, I wish I could find someone like that

Me: It's not about the's more the fact he knew why you guys where there and...and he didn't say anything, I feel like such a fool...

Amina: won't object to a second marriage?

Me: I guess not...I understand how hard it must be, I mean to be put in this position...I think it's unfair to be selfish...Shuaib is a gem...

Amina: But his your gem, don't give him up, we'll find our way

Me: No I will talk to Shuaib about it, I will make him see sense okay, don't worry we'll be like sisters

Amina: (teary) you are truly one of the most amazing woman I ever met, for a stranger you would share a man you love so dearly..

Me: For me I'm doing this for Allah, I know in my heart it's what's right...

After our little chat we decided to meet Shuaib for Lunch, he was little shocked that Amina would be joining, but he wanted to see me, and if this was the only way so be it.

Shuaib P.O.V:

Me: I royally scewered up man, she will never forgive me! I can't believe the audicity of that woman! A second marriage! No way!

Zuhayr: Calm down man! Did you try talking to Zeenat?

Me: I did, I tried so many times, she won't see me or talk to me (defeated look)

Zuhayr: oh man, she just needs time man, she'll come around...

Me: no bra, I lost her...I just got this bad feeling in my stomach...this is not over...

Zuhayr: maybe it's just the stress...

Me: I wish...I...

Before I could say more my phone rang, alerting me it's Zeenat

Me: Zee! I'm so sorry-

Zeenat: Meet me and Amina at Musgrave, we'll have lunch okay

Me: Amina...uhm okay see you than..I love you

Zeenat: bye (quietly)

I felt like a lad when I walked over to them, Zeenat looked so serious...I miss seeing her smile, her eyes twinkling...

Something I miss and I know I am not going to like it

Me: Salaamz...

Amina: wslmz uhm let's sit...

We decided on Nandos, after ordering we sat in silence for few minutes

Amina: sooo maybe I should give you guys some time alone

Me: yes!

Zeenat: no! Stay...this involves you

Me: what are you talking about Zeenat?! Please look at me!

She looked at me and at that moment I never felt more useless, she seemed so sad, her eyes didn't even seem there...

Zeenat: I...I want you to accept Amina, marry her too

Me: what?! Are you mad?!

Zeenat: I accept it...I...I don't mind...please

Me: Zee, I love you! And I will always love you only...I'm sorry but I can't marry Amina, only woman for me is you, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't want you to worry, you mean the world to me, please stop this!

Zeenat: either marry us both, or this engagement is over!

Amina: (gasped) what?! No Zee please

Me: ( shocked) I don't believe this...You would have me marry someone I could never love, I could never support properly, I love you, and no matter what you say, I will only marry you...If that's how you want it, than I guess this is over...

And I walked away...

Zeenat P.O.V:

My heart just shattered to pieces, I couldn't...I couldn't breathe, it felt like he took a piece of me and left

What did I just do?! It was the right thing to do, I couldn't let Amina go through humiliation because selfish me wanted him for myself...

He'll come around...I hope

Than when it all went blank...

Zubaida P.O.V:

I get a call, it's Zee number

Me: hey babe where have you been I got so much to tell you?!

Amina: salaams this is Amina, uhm she had you on speed dial, she is in hospital, she uhm kind of fainted

Me: I will be right there, which hospital?

Amina: St Aiden, Near Musgrave

Me: okay

I quickly got into the car and called Shuaib to let him know

Me: hey Shuaib, Zee fainted she's at St Aiden...

Before I could complete my sentence I hear him swear and looked like he was on his way

I reached before him and checked on her, apparently she hasn't been eating properly and lost some weight, it caused due to stressful environment, which made no sense, I mean she just got engaged...

Joining her in the room, I thought something look odd...her ring is gone...what happened?!

Author note:

Wow drama, suspense, sadness, omgee moment right?!

Okay before you guys think Zee is mad in her head, she is just trying to do what's right, so no harsh towards her

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