Chapter 8: Zuhayr

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Zubaida in stilettos


Attending a distant cousin wedding, lead to a shopping expedition with her family. So after getting ready Zubaida and her family join the wedding guests, the reception was simple but elegant. During the wedding, Zubaida overhears the gossip ladies and wanted to confront them but bumps into Zuhayr which leads to him meeting her mother, which makes Zubaida yell a bunch of questions at Zuhayr when his introduces his mother.

Chapter 8: That Afternoon before the wedding

Zuhayr P.O.V:

After coming home from work, I am rushed out with my sister, "Come on! We got only three hour to get something to wear, otherwise I won't go, and you promised mom you would take me" said Husnaa, "What?! I didn't promise nothing, and shopping for what?" I said,
"oh yeah it Nazmira wedding, and we all invited, oh and you need to get a suit" she said, "Oh no, not another wedding, I will take you shopping if you help me with an excuse not to go'' I said, "Okay, just take me to couple of shops and don't get a suit and you can say you didn't have time" she says. So after a ton of shops, Husnaa finds the dress she looking for and we about to leave when we see Zubaida and two other ladies with her, "Hey sis, do you have any ideas who those women are? One of them in the blue dress is a friend if Shuaib girlfriend" I said," OH that Zubaida, her mother in the cream jersey and the red top is her sister, Zeenat and Zubaida are like you and Shuaib" she says. So we leave and in the car ride back I could help but think about Zubaida and her family, they seem so normal, And that Zubaida is something else, she held herself well, and when she laughed she looked adorable. I am uses to beautiful woman but she nothing I ever seen.

"What you mean! I said am busy, I can't make tonight mom" I said, "Oh please Zuhayr I know you not busy because Shuaib phoned and say he won't be able to make it tonight, he helping his dad with something, and you can use your old suit, no one will notice, and wear your new green shirt I bought you for Eid" she said. " His still angry I forgot his birthday, it not my fault it the same day as an important meeting, he knows how important my work is, and fine I will come but get ready fast otherwise I will leave the both of you" I said. "Okay just know I am taking first dips in the bathroom" said Husnaa, "Ok make fast, I will just make a quick call" I said

"Hey snitch, did you have to tell my mom you could have waited till I phoned you back, now she got me going for stupid wedding" I said, "Well Hello to you to my supposed to be best friend, it not my fault your mother catches your lies, and you deserved that for forgetting my birthday again" says Shuaib, "Not to mention I am in a rush, got to go, enjoy the wedding" he said. Guess his still pissed...

That Evening:

So after arriving at the wedding, I settle down for boring evening. "Meet my son Zuhayr, he works for big finance firm" said my mother, this usually the sentence she uses when she want to introduce someone perfect daughter in the hopes I would approve, she never gives up. So after couple more of these introductions and meeting aunties or grannies I couldn't take it anymore and decided to go out for a walk. That when I bump into Zubaida, I did notice her earlier, from the direction she want to head seem she wants to give the gossip table a visit, I personally don't care about these old aunties... But maybe I could use this to my advantage, and before I could even think through this. "...."I am sorry, wasn't seeing..."she said, "It okay, could you do me a favour and act like you my girlfriend, these annoying aunties won't leave me alone, I told them countless of times I am not interested" I said, "Why should I help?" she says, because I am going crazy but I could say that so I said "it would benefit us both since from the direction you are going, the gossip aunties are on fire talking about you, and what better treatment to give them a false show to show them up, I am an eligible bachelor, and you not that bad looking, what harm could it possible cause to act like my girlfriend for few minutes..." from her look on her face doesn't look like I convinced her and I still don't get why am even considering this...maybe because she look really beautiful in that outfit, no that not it or is it..., "There a slight problem, my family know I am single" she says, "that simple, we can say we just started dating, and it plausible since my best friend is dating yours, it will work" I says, before she could come say anything, I grabs her hand and goes over to her mom table, "Salaam aunty, I am Zuhayr, it finally a great pleasure to meet you, Zubaida talk about you all the time" I says, I pray this works "Oh I hope only good things, sorry she never mentioned you before" say her mother, "Actually I asked her not to mention anything until I had a chance to meet you in person, we met through Zeenat, she dating my friend Shuaib" I said smoothly, thank goodness for Shuaib relationship, and before she could reply, "Sorry we can't chat longer, I want to introduce Zubaida to my mother, we will get together soon I hope" I say and rushes us to the other end of the hall, "are you nuts! How did you know that's my mother, god I am dead, she is never going to forgive me, and what this about meeting your mother, this is a lie!, how can you expect me to..."she said in a frantic spin, "Zubaida meet my mother, Ferhana, mom meet my girlfriend Zubaida" I say in a calm voice.

"Hello doll, I hope my son isn't troubling you too much" she says with twinkle in her eyes.. Oh no she on to me. "Uhm no not at all, it just his can be a little bad with timing" she says, wait is she defending me...

"Well my son does like to make things interesting, never a dull moment even when his was a baby" she says with a chuckle, " I'm Ferhana, this goofball mother, it very lovely to meet you Zubaida, your friend Zeenat doesn't stop bragging about you, can see why" she says, wait she spoke to Zeenat, oh man I am caught," It a pleasure, she probably lied, she a big stuck up" says Zubaida, " Bha don't be rude and get your friend a chair" said Husnaa, so after getting a chair, I found my sister and Zubaida talking like old buddies, even my mother laughed along, maybe this wasn't a good idea after all. One of Husnaa school friend come over, " This is my mother, brother and my brother girlfriend Zubaida" said Husnaa to her friend, I just gave her a stare, and patted Zubaida back, since she choked on water she is drinking when my sister opened that big mouth of hers. " That is rude young lady, apologies to Zubaida" said my mother sternly, " what it true, he evened knew who she was, when we went to the mall, he was giving her the gogo eyes which my dear brother stand for smitten look, he obviously like her if he introduced her to you, he never bring a girl to meet you" she carried on saying, " that enough, apologies now" she said, " I am sorry Zubaida, I didn't mean to embarrassed you, I just think you two are so cute together" she says honestly, while all this is going on, I noticed Zubaida Turing all sort of shade of red, " Uh it Okay and thanks for your honesty, excuse us, I need a word alone with your brother" she says, Oh boy I am in trouble

Author note

Look like poor Zuhayr in boiling water, let's hope Zubaida goes easy on him. I hope all of your enjoyed this chapter

Apologies yet again on poor grammar

Lots of love

Zubaida in stilettos

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