Chapter 1:

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Zubaida in stilettos:

Chapter 1:

Previously we found out that Zubaida long-term boyfriend Yusuf was cheating on her and she decided to get revenge.

Zubaida P.O.V:

It is a Monday morning of the 1st of March, it the day I am starting at Brick and Hornett. I am extremely nervous but confident in myself, I had ace all my oral tests and also did extremely well in my exams. I decide to wear my formal black pants with a light beige blouse with matching black cardigan and my favourite black stiletto's, with my new Louis Vuitton Handbag , I am ready to face my first day.

As I enter into the grey building on the corner of Field and Cresant Street, I walked over to the receptions decks, which was clattered with paperwork, and frazzled young looking woman, with brown hair and light green eyes, was busy on the phone. I waited till she cut the call, "Good morning, I'm Zubaida Adam and I am here to see Mr Fredrick James", "Just a moment, I will check if his in" she say and then tell me to go up to the third floor and it the office on the left.

So after leaving Samantha, the receptionist, enter into the elevator where I bump into none other than Yusuf, he is also going to the third floor. We stood next to each other without a word and just stared in the opposite direction. Upon the elevator opening he rushes out and bumps into someone, I laugh at this scene since the person he bumped into was none other than Mr Hornett, CEO of this firm.

Authors Note:

Remember Zubaida is still little upset about him cheating on her, so don't hate her yet, also She is a 21 year old Muslim girl, from Westville, and done her degree at Howard University. She still live with her parent and an older sister.

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