Chapter 50: Coffee Date

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Zubaida in stilettos
Our mystery man is Asad Abdoola, Shuaib gave irfaan good advice

Chapter 50:

Zuhayr P.O.V:

The stress! Plus I got this stupid feeling something isn't right, ever since I heard Asad will be working with Zubaida, just doesn't sit right with me. I don't know him personally but his name is well known especially for being a womanizer.

So I dressed myself well, shaved, and put on my trademark scent. Although this isn't truly a social call, I felt the need to look my best. And I was rewarded.

Zubaida looked breathtaking, Even in the simplest of outfits, she shines through. I can't believe how lucky I got. I just hope my luck doesn't run out.

Me: Slmz Hun, you look amazing as always

Zubaida: (blushing) thanks, You don't look so bad yourself?

Me: thanks (smirking) it's for special lady in my life, want to know her name?

Zubaida: (smiling) I think I have an idea, but please do enlighten me?

Me: She is lawyer, a damn good one, she's sweet but stuborn. I care deeply for her and at times I'm lost at words. She is mines and only mines(slighly more husky)

Zubaida: ( heartbeating fast) really she sounds like quite a woman I must say

Me: Yeah and she is none other than you

Zubaida: (blushing)

Me: I would continue but I do need your professional advice (smiling)

Zubaida: okay how can I be of assistance?

Me: Okay a client of ours provided us with falsified documents, I proceeded the deal and there's a chance they could blame it on me and I could lose my job, what would you suggest I do?

Zubaida: okay firstly I would suggest talk to someone in management, there should be a way to sort it without taking it to court, maybe the client will be willing it rectify their mistake. As for losing your job, they don't have grounds but they can give you a verbal warning. But nothing as serious as firing.

Me: hmm makes sense, thanks that helps a lot, okay so the contract is null void, I will have to redraft it right?

Zubaida: yes, preferable infront of witnesses, so that you have evidence if it ever comes to court.

Me: thanks, so you really like your job?

Zubaida: yess, I always wanted to be a lawyer, it's in my blood (smile)

Me: well you really good, thanks for all the advice, truly ( smiling)

After our coffee date, I was much more confident about us, and it's good to see her in her element.

Irfaan P.O.V:

I decided to talk to Husnaa, it's high time she knew a little about my past, before someone else tells, Shuaib is so right. I went over to her house but she wasn't home, apparently she went over to Muhmmed. For some reason I didn't like that, I knew they were close, but she is my girlfriend now...

So I decided too bbm and let her know we needed to talk, urgently and she agreed to meet me at the coffeeshop around the corner.

She was wearing a white top with a pink jeans, she had a pony and no make-up, she looked amazing.

Me: hey babe

Husnaa: heyy (big smile) sorry about yesterday, I uhm wanted the two important people to met...

Me: I appreciate that, and I'm sorry if I made it complicated...But I need to tell you something, it's my past..and I'm not proud of it...

Husnaa: does this have anything to do with moe?

Me: partly, please hear me out first, and if you want I don't mind if you ask moe his side.

Husnaa: okay

Me: Well my past isn't a pretty sight, I used to be quite the ladies man, a new girl every week and stuff, I smoked and drove fast. I did things I regret, but luckly Shuaib put me right, he got into some scramps for me. And as for moe, I did something terrible...I uhm I stole his girlfriend, Her name was Tasneem, we were all friends but after that it's sour things...

Husnaa: Tasneem valodia?

Me: yeah how do you know her?

Husnaa: (sad smile) she a slut, I never liked her for moe, so you did him a favour, but I would like to hear it from him as well, to be fair, he really loved her as far as I remember, thanks for telling me

Me: thanks for listening, I hope you know that it's all my past, I learnt my lesson, I won't ever hurt you

Husnaa: It's a lot to take in irfaan, but I believe you, I just need a little time to sort things with Moe okay?

Irfaan: sure

After we settled for quick milkshakes she leaves to go back to Moe's house, I feel better knowning I told her, it's like a weight being lifted off

Author note:

What do you think?
Apologise for delay in post, just been a hectic couple of days.

I will try and upload soon

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Lots of love
Zubaida in stilettos

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