Chapter 75: Interview with our Favs

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Zubaida in stilettos

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Interview with the casts of Zubaida in stilettos!!!!

I thought it should be fun if I interviewed my characters, find out the future plans, their thoughts and ideas, and ofcouse spill some beans!!!!
Interviewer: ShaaiRa (Shy)
Zubaida (Zubz)
Zuhayr (Zu)
Shuaib (Shb)
Zeenat (Zee)

The interview is done in the living room of Shuaib and Zeenat home

Shy: Gorgeous house guys, who did the brilliant person who came up with this idea?

Zee: My dear hubby (laughing) it kind of funny story, we only bought this place around the time I found out I was pregnant with Yusrah, and I felt so overwhelm, and we happen to be passing by, when he saw the place and suggest we just look around, so we did, and it was like magic, we fell in love! I was ofcouse very against getting a house, I didn't want a bond on us, we had to consider especially with a baby coming, plus it quite huge, even though I loved the kitchen that is my baby, I felt it too soon. Shuaib found out through the realtor a week before Yusrah was born, the previous buyer fell through and it on sale, and for much reduced price, so he just drove over and the sale went through, I wasn't aware of any of this, so after a month after Yusrah born, he start asking what design I would like if we did buy the house, and that was it, my dream home is born! That what I love about Shuaib he doesn't wait, he just goes for it

Shb: aw hun, thank for the glowing review, after finding out I was becoming a dad, I couldn't help imagine my children run around a house that will become a home, when I spotted this place and just know it was meant for us, I kept in touch in case, and when I got it, I just took over and couldn't stop (laugh) I guess am a little impulsive!

Shy: I would say, where is our cute Yusrah, I don't hear her? And do you guys plan on having more children?

Shb: (laugh) Blame my parents, ever opportunity to spend time with their grandchild, they grab, Yusrah got them wrap around her little finger! Definitely, I want a whole soccer team of girls!

Zee: He being ridicules, I want mini Shuaib, keep your fingers cross

Shy: I don't blame them, she such an angel! Aw I shall! I shall! Well I must ask, did you'll really take Yusrah to the doctor when she was gassy?

Zee: thank you! (Blush) yes unfortunately, but you know (laughing) it kind of good story to tell her when she older, we definitely got a hoot and half, right?

Shb: Yes, (laughing) our precious is everything, and being new to parenting, we made the odd mistake or overreact at time, and that day was definitely one of them!

Shy: well Iets get down to why I am really here, Zubaida wedding! Since our two love birds don't seem to pay attention to us, not that I blame you—

Zubz: I was wondering when we would be getting on to us! I am after all the bride! (Smiling)

Zu: hey! Wait isn't it about us, don't be rude Zubz, let the lady talk!

Zubz: Nope it just about the bride (showing Zuhayr her tongue face)

Zu: excuse my bride, she has bad manner (rolling eyes)

Zee: (laughing) She just acting up, but I got to agree, it all about the bride! Zubaida is going to be the most amazing bride ever!

Zubz: aw you really think so babe?

Shb: Oh please we much apart of the day as you guys! Right Zu

Zu: Bud I think it best we just nod along, before people think that we are crazy! (Laughing)

Shy: uhm guys thinking we are getting of the topic here... (Yet again interrupted)

Zubz: well done Zu, better control your man Zee I think the compliment are effecting his brain

Zee: oh shh, hunny if you know what good for you, just nod along

Shb: hey that not fair, I loved our wedding, and I know it meant the world to me....

Zee: Aww hun, aint he the sweetest guy!

They all look at me, it puzzling and very hard once they start talking, so I quickly took my chance and got what I been trying to ask!

Shy: Yes very, what I am asking is, it is true you moving to Austria, leaving your families behind, after the wedding, many feel that little too quick...

Zu: well it risk ofcouse-

Zubz: Oh darling, I will tell you little secret, if the man you love(she look at Zuhayr adoringly) is, that where your home is, doesn't matter the country or place...And from what I got from Zee, it wouldn't have truly be home if Shuaib haven't made it, As my father point to me, we must believe in our husband, since it what Allah plan through them...(teary) I will miss my parents but knowing I got their blessing, I know it the right decision

Shy: that such profound statement, I must say from all I know, you guys have matured a lot, from your break up with Yusuf to falling in love with Zuhayr, even your career is booming, I hear you going to study a year abroad and open your own practices?

Zu: Aahh my beautiful bride, it quite the risk taker, with her career as lawyer, she got what it takes, and I will be there and provide the support she shown me

Zubz: As my sweet hubby put it, it challenge I look forward too, we going into this with an open mind, we plan Insha'Allah it will work out

Shy: Aameen! What about you Zuhayr, what your Future plans?

Zu: Well I am offer to open my company there, we already started and with my presence we should've have a successful operations, I have complete faith in my team, and with Zubaida by my side(holding her hand) I know I will be able to do it

Shb/Zee: We couldn't agree more

Shy: Well I definitely wish ull both the best, now onto the wedding, I seen the pictures from your shower and mendi night, and I can imagine the wedding will be as spectacular, so what the plan?

Zubz: (laughing) Well I don't what to give it all away, but it definitely going to be huge, I have seen so many designs and just fell in love with roses and the red color, so we centralized on that, and I am driving into the hall in jaguar (laughing) yes I will be driving and my hubby is coming in Harley Davidson bike! So yes expect a lot gasping! And we also strategy plan the table so our gossip aunties are together, it should give them a good hoot! Won't you agree!

Shy: wow I am so looking for to seeing that, Aahh gossip aunties, every communities has them, Well I got a question for all four of you before I end today lovely interview, What is your most memorable moment with each other?

Zee/Shb: The day our baby was born and our wedding day...

Shb: and the day Zeenat left her number in the book

Zee: Our yacht date!

Zubz: Our Cape Town trip, our date on top of Table Mountain

Zu: when she propose to me and the day I saw her for the first time!

Shy: Aww wow thank you guys, I definitely enjoy talking to you guys, it been a pleasure! Looking forward to the wedding! And I hope you guys all the best for the future!

Zeenat/Shuaib/Zuhayr/Zubaida: thank you, it real pleasure meeting you!

Zubz: please do come for the wedding

Zee: and drop by any time you can see Yusrah (smile)

I do have one favor to ask, please do comment and let me know what you guys think, I love hearing from you! It been so quite lately, I miss your sweet comments! So don't feel shy!
Also please share in what been your favorite memories of Zubaidainstilettos? I would love to know!

Don't forget to check out my other blogs:

My Alpha Mate is my enemy too (completed)
What I like about you (Ziyaad/Badboy enough said)
Badboy Billionaire (just started, appreciate your views)
Kidnap by the Badboy Alpha (just started, appreciate your views)

Lots of love



Instagram: MIZSATHAR

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