Chapter 3:

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Zubaida in stilettos:


She and her teammates were on post-letters case and decided to bring two letter to the boss for approval, and when she went home her mother called her into the kitchen.

Chapter 3:

Zeenat P.O.V:

I am the best friend/sister from another mother, her pillar of strength. Well that what she say I just know she is one of my closest bestie since childhood, we have been through every milestones since kindergarten together, thank goodness our mother are best friends as well.

"Aunty I am sure she will get back on the marriage cart, just give her time, she is still devastated from the break-up. Plus I already got her coming out with me for movies" I say, this is a tiny white lie since we made no such plans but I know I could twist her arm. "What movie plans?" asks Zubaida just entering the kitchen where we all are sitting and having nice warm cup of coffee, Aunty Fatz makes the best hot coco. "Yay Zubz is back, come join us while I will just make a quick call" I say quickly, and leave the warm kitchen to type a quick message to Zubaida.

# Hey sweetie, guess what we doing to celebrate your new job, going for kiddies movie at our favourite mall and supper's on me!, so don't even try to get out of it! Love you lotzz my lollipop J#

# Arg fine! But I'm choosing the movie and that final! # She types back. She shoots and she scores!

So after a short phone call to my mother to say where I will be, and return back into the kitchen with my signature goofy smile. "So I think it time for madam to go change while I wait patiently with my favourite Aunty" I say, to which Zubaida grumbles and leaves, "so what is it you want my favourite niece" say aunty Fatz, "Aw how can you think I want something" I say sheepishly, "I know you too well, so speak up" she says, "could I stay the night, pretty please!" I say with my best puppy dog look, "you can but on one condition, take my baby out and have fun" she says, "Aw we will, 100% fun filled night." I say with a wink. "I'm too scared to ask what you meant, so I'm going to act like I never heard that, so be careful and be home before 12"says uncle Baker.

So after waiting for madam to come down, we took her car to our local hangout, Musgrave. She chooses Monster University, afterward we ate at nando's, and the food was great. That when we bumped into the two hottest guys I had ever seen, and trust me my breath was blown away.

Author note:

Hey my awesome fans, thanks for reading my blogs, I would like some help with my two "hottest" guys names, so if any of my sweet fans have names please do leave a comments with the names. Much appreciated J and again I must apologises for grammar errors, my editor is busy at the moment, when she back in action I will posts better edited chapters.

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