Chapter 21: Meeting the Folks

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Zubaida in stilettos
Zubaida and Zeenat contemplating some actions in their lives.

Chapter 21:
Shuaib's P.O.V:
"Whaat?!" I yelled, " you heard right son. Your granny, your favourite aunty and niece is coming to stay for the week, isn't it great?!" Exclaimed mom in an excited voice. My granny. amena, is from my mother side. She's a little quirky and very lovable. Then there's my favourite aunty Sameera, lets just say she's the one who actually is on our side. On the other hand, my cousin, the absolute horror, noorul-ain, is the reason they created detention, this delinquent is the reason why that dingy detention room was our second home. "But mom, Zeenat coming to see you, how is she going to handle the cranks of the akoo clan!" I said. "Ohh, stop exaggerating, its not like they're going to cross-examine her, plus it good everyone meet her, and seeing as you are serioss, once it has been made official, I won't allow you to back out" said mom haughtily, "Mother, this girl, she the one, I just know it" I replied in affirmative.

So, after a few minor adjustments to the guest list, I phoned Zeenat to ask if she was ready: "hey cutie, are you ready?" I asked. "Noo! What if?! I mean I don't'?! What do I wear?! Will it be formal or casual?OH I'm SO nervous!" She rambled. "Ooh boy someone's nervous, you sound so adorable..sweetie calm down. All it is is a casual dinner with close family. Don't overdo the make-up- you're naturally breathtaking and I love you. And if I love you, they will love you. Just smile and be yourself" I crooned sweetly. I then told her her I'd fetch her at around 2pm and cute the call- a huge grin plastered on my face.

Zeenat P.O.V:
"I have a huge problem! I need Zubaida 101 quick" I said anxiously over the phone the minute Zubaida answers. "Be right there" she replies and cuts the call. Ah, the love for my bestie is unparalleled, she know me so well.

After waiting for just 5 minutes (which felt like an eternity), Zubaida arrived- rescue items in tow- three outfits, make-up bag and her favourite pair of heels. After going the motions of venting my panic, and telling Zubaida a billion times over how I really am not ready for this, she sat me down, made me take in deep and calming breaths and convinced me that I am. She firmly informed me that if I truely loved Shuaib I will take this next step. She then proceeded to remind me that I am, after all me, and they would welcome me with open arms.

*See picture below to see how Zeenat looked.*

Shuaib then phoned me again; this time to ask a favour; "Hey sweetie, can you get Zubaida to come, Husnaa, Zuhayr's sister coming as well and she wants company" he said "Okay, love, see you soon" I said. Turning to Zubaida I slyly said "Guess who joining me, thanks to Husnaa". "No." She said firmly. "Yes, so go get dressed, please" I said with pleading eyes.
So, after a few minutes of sweet-talking and convincing, she relunctantly started the beauty process on herself.

*See below as well for Zubaida dress code*

Shuaib's P.O.V:
Now let me introduce the one and only, Akoo clan:
"As salaam waikum, where my bachuu! Aww look how grown up he looks" cooed Amena,my gran, "I'm okay nani, how are you feeling?" I said. Ignoring me, she continued voicing her observations. "Isn't he gone so thin, aren't they feeding you bachuu". Saved by the my aunty-in-shining-jewels, Aunty Sameera cut her off; "stop smothering him mom, come give your old aunty a big hug". Ah, I missed her, to show my love I exclaimed: "My lovely Aunt, you don't look a day older than 30. Whoever say's you're old, redirect 'em to me- I will give them a whack on the head". Oh how she loves praises, "Aah, my favourite newphew, always full of love.
Then enters horror of horros, Noorul-ain, dressed simple and looking so innocent, she just greets and goes on to help the women in the kitchen. This is definitely a change from the usual stalker-persona that overtakes her when she's around me! Well, let's hope this is her growing up!

Moving on, Zuhayr, his sister and mom arrive.
I clap him on the back and say,"Hey thanks bro for coming" I said, I was beggining to feel the pressure, I wanted everything to be perfect. Sensing my anxiety he smoothly said, "Stay cool, dude". Husnaa, the ever cheeful, comforting girl said, " hey don't sweat it, we all here to guide the convo, just look handsome".

After everyone settled down, I went to fetch Zeenat and Zubaida.
Just the sight of Zeenat, made me forget all my worries and I knew right than and there she is the one. She was absolutely breathtaking.
My matchmaking plan still at the back of my mind got me hoping the Zuhayr sees an equally pretty and sweet Zubaida enter our house, she just the kindof girl he needs.
Fingers crossed!

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