Chapter 31: Making Pizza

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Zubaida in stilettos


Amaani visit Zubaida

Chapter 31:

Zubaida P.O.V:

After having a bad night of sleep, I decided on what I am going to do with what Amaani said, I am going to tell him.

So after showering and having breakfast, I phoned in at work, to say I would be working from home, any work should be forwarded to my email address, I need to give myself some time to figure how I should tell him, I wouldn't be productive at work.

Zuhayr P.O.V:

" Salaams" I greeted my mom and Husnaa, both are busy with breakfast

"Wslmz listen about Amaani's wedding, could you get her card for us, we need to get our stuff together, and could you please take a week off next week, I need to sort some banks and building stuff, and need you to take me around, also need some shopping done" says my mom, " okay" I said quietly and went to work

My phone started ringing, it Zubaida...

Me: Salaams

Zubaida: Wslmz it's Zubaida, uhm could you come over to my house around lunch time? It's important

Me: Uhm sure

Zubaida: I will organise lunch, so don't need to rush, okay? Do you like pizza?

Me: Okay pizza fine, order anything I'm not fussy, and please let me pay

Zubaida; I'm making it, so no need to pay, see you than, slmz

Me: wslmz

Wonder what she wants....

Irfaan P.O.V:

I never did endup asking Husnaa about the kitchen incident, we aren't exectly talking, she deleted me...

So when I bumped into her at the mall, I asked to speak to her alone, she was with some friends, so after excusing herself she came over

Husnaa: what do you want?

Me: why did you delete me? Did I do something wrong?

Husnaa: nothing like that, it just exams are coming and my bro took my phone, so it shows like I deleted but I didn't

Me: Oh u sure?

Husnaa: Yeah, sorry I just got a lot on my mind, I got to get back otherwise they will get suspious

Me: ok, but where's your usual gang?

Husnaa: they couldn't come today, bye

And she walks away before I could reply, weird, I didn't know Zuhayr is so strict...

After getting what I wanted at the store, I got home to find Shuaib waiting for me

Me: hey

Shuaib: hey dude, listen we all going out for pizza and bowling, want to come?

Me: by we?who do you mean?

Shuaib: the usuals, Zuhayr, farouk, muhammed, zaheer, zak jnr and some girls

Me: okay sounds like fun, let me just change quickly

Shuaib: okay make quick

So after a quick shower, I changed into my diesal T-shirt, black jeans and takkies, gelled my hair and sent a bbm to raisa, to see if she wanted to come

*hey babe, I'm on my way to gates, wana come?*

* okay, miss ya too*

After getting there I greeted everyone, got myself a drink, and settled in for a night of fun, that was until I saw Husnaa, with her friends, using her phone

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