Chapter 68: Zeenat meltdown

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Zubaida in stilettos
Zuhyr meet with Zubaida parents, and Zeenat struggles with little Yusrah

Chapter 68:
Zeenat P.O.V:

I never understood how patience my mother is, until I spent most of my days with my daughter, she is generally a sweet child, but is something bothers her, she screams and cries! It truly tested me. I mean I love being a wife and a mother, but I miss being with myself, sometimes I just want to run away, especially when Yusrah is crabby. I love my child but It just so hard, sometime I ended up crying with her, I am an emotional wreak. Plus I haven't been the supporting wife like I promised, my hair is always a mess and I smell like baby poop! How does Shuaib live with me!

I am forever grateful for my Husband, he really sweet. He even make dinner, let me sleep if Yusrah wakes up in the middle of the night. But he goes to his office and can escape from home at times, I guess I miss being able to accomplish something, be independent. Earn for my family. I might be on maternal leave but my mind is more on work than on raising our daughter, guess that why we haven't talked...I had a huge argument with Shuaib, I realize now I was wrong


Shuaib: evening hun

Me: hey (Yawn) did you bring the nappies?

Shuaib: oh flip I forgot, sorry hun, just caught up with Zuhayr, can't believe he getting married!

Me: ok (I was frustrated, this is the second time he forgot!)

Shuaib: oh ja, I just go and get it

Me: yeah whatever, go soccer while at you...

Shuaib: hey what wrong? I am sorry about forgetting, but you know how it gets

Me: yeah, but you get to be out there! Not stuck in four wall, while cleaning poop and making measly meals! While you can make chitchat with your buddies!

Shuaib: Woah where all this coming from, I thought you didn't mind being at home, and I didn't mean to upset you like this, I promise I won't be long...

Me: easy to say! I don't mind being with our daughter but I just feel so stuck! I think I should go back to work

Shuaib: wait what? But don't you have like two week still to go?

Me: Yeah so?

Shuaib: So who going to look after Yusrah?

Me: I don't know! You...I mean we could hire a nanny, I just need to get out! ( I scream and started crying)

Shuaib: okay I'm sorry please calm down, you can work, we figure something out, please just don't cry

Just then Yusrah started crying, I guess it true what they say, a child can sense when their parents are sad and react. I went over and tried to quieten her, then Shuaib walks over and take her, he tell me to go and take a bubble bath and he will sort out the meals.

End of Flashback

That where I was, in a relaxing bubble bath when I realized how stupidly reacted, how did I become this bitter, it not like I don't enjoy my daughter, she an amazing bubbly child but I just to be myself once in a while.
I went into the lounge and saw Shuaib and Yusrah playing, he such a good father.

Me: hey

Shuaib: hey hun, how you feeling?

Me: better, I'm sorry for going all physco on you, I just feel-

Shuaib: trapped I know, I think you right, maybe it time for you to go back to work

Me: I think so too, but what about Yusrah, I don't want to leave her with the maid or either of our parents...

Shuaib: I know we will work it out, let order something and get some quality time together, I missed you!

Me: I missed you too

We spend the rest of that night together , we bonded, I guess you could say, I felt guilty for my outburst, but I am glad we discussing, I really need to get back to work, I love my baby and I know she won't mind.

Author note:

Okay peeps I'm sorry for the wait, I just went through terrible loss. But I'm back, I know Zee comes across as a bad person, but please give her time, she a new parent after all.

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P.S: Unedited please excuse mistakes

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