Chapter 34: His Proposal

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Zubaida in stilettos
Zeenat's father had a heart attack and Zubaida and Shuaib supports her through her nightmare.

Chapter 34:

Irfaan P.O.V:

It has been a month since I started dating Raisa, she's lovely,funny and really a nice girl.But she got her own demons, in the shape of Rayhaan

Rayhaan is her ex-boyfriend, he's the kindof guy girls want, he got this bad boy image, he doesn't care about anyone's feelings it just makes him more appealing, I know that, I used to be like that.

I used to be so bad, I would flirt with a whole lot of girls, never dated anyone seriously. But luckily for me, I had my buddies who made me see the errors of my ways.

For Rayhaan, this person is Raisa, she was his best friend before becoming his girlfriend, she kept him down to earth, but she couldn't handle his lies so they broke up, but everytime she sees him with someone, or bump into him, you still see the sparks between them

A night before my date with Raisa, I get a call from a private number, not thinking much of it, I answered

Me: hello

Rayhaan: hey irfaan, it's Rayhaan, I'm raisa's ex..

Me: okay...what do you want?

Rayhaan: I need a small favour..

Me: what?

Rayhaan: please don't break Raisa's heart, I..I know her and she..she's amazing, don't hurt her...okay

Me: okay I won't...why do you care? Do you still have feelings for her

Rayhaan: She was my friend before, so I still care, but she wants to move on, and I respect that...I didn't mean to bother, just looking out for her

Me: Okay, bye

Rayhaan: bye

I didn't expect that, so I decided to ask Raisa, what caused her break-up with Rayhaan

Me: hey rai

Raisa: hey

Me: I need to talk, can I phone you?

Raisa: sure..

Ring ring...

Raisa: hello

Me: hey howsit?

Raisa: I'm good thanks and you?

Me: I'm good, I don't know how to ask this, so I'm just going to ask, why did rayhaan and you go through with the break-up?

Raisa: okay, well at first it was awesome, we knew each other, so we got along great, but than from knowing him so well, I started getting suspicious he was cheating when he wasn't, and we made some silly mistakes...and well we just decided it best we break up

Me: do you still love him?

Raisa: why, what does it matter?

Me: just asking...

Raisa: I..I don't know

So after that,things were going great...but she always kept herself closed up, and at times I couldn't figure her out...

Than her sister told me, she and Rayhaan were talking..and when they do...her sister gets distanced, they all know how she loves Rayhaan...but she's being sturborn and doesn't want to give him another chance.

So I decided it for the best to break-up, she deserves to give them a chance...She didn't take it to bad after I explained to her what happened, she actually was reliefed, saying she didn't know how to break up with me, since she started feeling bad about talking to Rayhaan, while being with me. We parted on good terms..She even told me why Husnaa deleted me.

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