Chapter 61: Hospital

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Zeenat wants Shuaib to agree to a second marriage and he says no. Zubaida receives a call from Amina informing her that Zeenat fainted!

Chapter 61:

Zubaida P.O.V:

Before I could say anything the doctors chased us out of the room, I couldn't understand what was going on and where her ring was.

Me: what going on Shuaib?! Why doesn't Zee have her ring on?

Amina: I can explain-

Shuaib: its better if I explain( giving Amina a glare) well uhm we sort of broke up...

Me: what?! Why?!

Shuaib: she want me to accept Amina as my second wife! And I refused...

Me: she whaat?! Please tell me she didn't actually agree to that?!( I looked at Amina, who just looked down)Oh my god! How did this happen!

Shuaib: I didn't mean-

Me: Shuaib, I think its best if you left...

Shuaib: what?! No! Not until I know she alright!

Me: I will let you know, but please leave, if her family find you here , and after what won't be for the best, so please go!

Shuaib: I didn't do anything wrong! Sure ,I could've handle it better, but I love her okay...I need to be sure that she's fine, I don't care of the consequences!

Me: fine! But you not allowed near her until she says so!

Shuaib: fine..

We all sat in silence while waiting for the doctor to check up on her...

The doctor came out with nurse and both looked that good news right?

Me: doctor, is she okay?

Shuaib: what the prognosis ?

Doctor: She fine, she seems to be little over stress but a good night sleep would help and she should be fine, she can go home as soon as she wakes up.

Shuaib: she asleep?

Doctor: yes we have given her an sedative, you can go in one at a time, but I doubt she will hear you

Me: thanks doctor

I went in first and just sat next to her. This all happened and I didn't even know...Zee how could you not tell me!

I decided I should give others a chance, I could hear her family outside, seems like Amina phoned them.

Me: salaam

Zee mom: how is she?

Me: she's fine, just little stressed..she asleep but as soon as she wakes up, we can take her home.

After a few explanations of what happened, excluding the part with Shuaib and her break up, its their choice if they want them to know.

After getting Zee home after she woke up, I decided to stay and just keep her company, I knew she wouldn't want to be left alone.

Zeenat: I'm...I didn't know how to tell you...

Me: Zee we known each other for so long, you can tell me anything, I am always here for you!

Zeenat: its just that, if I told you about Amina, you would make me realize that I can't share Shuaib, and I was just trying to help and now it all over!

Me: Shuaib came by...he..he looks like a mess...

Zeenat: (teary) what did I just do! I just tried to do what I thought was the right thing...Amina is a really sweet girl...

Me: you just too good for your own good, and she's a nice girl, but you can't force Shuaib, he loves you and only you doll...

Zeenat: I know...and I love him with all my heart, I screwed up so badly Zubz...I don't think we will survive this..

Me: hey! No negative thoughts! Let's forget about Amina and Shuaib, let just focus on getting you un stressed! I don't need another faint spell, I nearly had a heart attack!

Zeenat: I know and I am sorry, I don't understand it myself...I guess when I realized it Shuaib...and me were just got the better me!

Me: well since we found our problem, let's ban him for any further conversation during this sleepover and just have fun!

So for the rest of that night, we just chatted and caught up, with no boy drama! I missed this and I am glad I got my friend back...

Shuaib P.O.V:

I couldn't help was eating me inside...

Although I knew she was fine, it was my fault she ended up there...

So I went to the one place I knew I would get the treatment I deserve!

Me: hey...

Zuhayr: hey bra! What you doing here and at this hour?...hey! What's wrong?

Me: Zee landed up in hospital and its all my fault! (Crying)

Zuhayr: hey! Calm down, you not making sense! Is she okay?

Me: (gulp) its my fault...I should have just agreed! But I love her and only her!

Zuhayr: hey! What happened! Tell me!

And then when I told him everything, the lunch, the confrontation, the hospital and my and Zubaida's fight! Everything!

I was such a mess! I missed her and I hurt her so bad...she will never forgive me!

That's when my best friend in the world did it!

He slapped me!

Zuhayr: bra! Wake up! Stop being a sissy! Man up and go and talk to her! I am sure you'll can work it out! No need to feel pity! Come on in, you can spend the night, but than you go get my bhabie(sister in law) for me!

As soon as I hit the pillow I was knocked out ,not before seeing my beautiful Zee!

I love you...

Authors note:

:$ hmm not my best lol...but drama none the less...

Let hope Zee and Shuaib work things out!

What about Amina? What's her point of view? Let me know.

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Lot of love


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