Chapter 73: Bridal Shower

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Zubaida in stilettos
Special Chapter:

Zubaida P.O.V:

The day has finally arrived. A day I knew I was totally in for it. Knowing Zee and my sister, I knew they would go all out.

It was an hour before everything could start and Zee was already at my house. All I knew my theme for the night was turquoise and white. The rest was for me to just wonder. I was still laying on my bed and day dreaming about Zuhayr when Zee came into my room and started clicking her fingers at me.

Zee: Excuse me madam aren't you supposed to be getting ready? Forget about Zu for just a few hours, you gonna have the rest of your life with him. (Sneaky smile)
She rushed me into the bath

Me: yes mam I am going but before that don't you want to tell me what all you have planned....pleasssse

Zee: Forget it I aint telling you anything. Get your butt in the shower and get dressed. I aint joking madam (evil laugh)

Me: fine I'm going. I will get you back for this! After all I am the bride! Humph!

And off I went into the shower and when I got out I found a small suit bag on my bed with a little note saying "Wear your outfit that's inside, leave your hair down and STAY IN YOUR ROOM UNTIL WE CALL YOU". Ooooh I was getting nervous to think what they were going to do to me. So I opened the suit bag and I was shocked, what the heck!!!!! Does she honestly think I'm going to parade in LINGERIE in front of everyone? And there were matching handcuffs!!!!!! So I dialed her number

Zee: You are not getting out of it so put it on fast!

And she cut the call.

OMG! This women is so mean. But I decided not to be a spoilt sport and just go with what they ask because this day will never come again. I might as well play along

I was finally ready and just about to put on my turquoise stilettos (The only part I actually in love with) when
Zee and my sister walked in and both of them at the same time said: OH EM GEEEEE you look sooo sexy in that outfit!!!!

Me: shut up you guys (blushing). You both also look very sexy in your belly dance outfits.
They wore this awesome belly dancing outfit, the shirt, veils, chains and all. Zee looked amazing, I am glad she got her confident back, after her birth she was a little self-conscious of herself, now just at her flaunting!

Zee: (smiling) Come now are you ready? Everyone is waiting for you. Oooops and before I forget let me handcuff you.

Yes they actually handcuffed me with the fluffy turquoise cuffs, and hid the keys in my bra, they put my coat and we went down.

On my way to the entertainment area I could hear giggling and laughter and music. We rent a hotel for the night, so the Entertainment area is in one of the conference rooms. As I got to the door with Zee and my sister everyone was cheering for me. The whole Entertainment area was decorated in turquoise and white deco and the dress code was Belly dancing. Everyone looked sooo cute in their outfits. There were little seats all around as I walked to one of the seats, Zee took of my coat, and then everyone started cheering, making me blush. A bed in the corner draped like it was for the queen I am too scared to think what even going to happen there. And some really sexy lingerie hanging on a rail which I presume were gifts for me. On the table next to it was a bowl of strawberries with cream in a separate bowl and an ice bucket! On the other side there was a tea table with yummy turquoise cupcakes, turquoise sweets and much more turquoise goodies. It was just too amazing! My friends and family are just the best, I am so ready for whatever they plan since they put so much effort into doing this for me.

Me: you guys really went all out thank you so much!
And everyone shouted out don't thank us just

I knew I was gonna have it so Zee walked around with me handcuffed and asked who volunteers to find the key which is still in my bra! My one cousin jumped up and took advantage and search my entire outfit even though she knew very well where it was. And everyone started cheering again and there was music in the back ground. The music is loosely both English and Bollywood.

Finally the handcuffs were taken off and the real fun started.

Zee: ok people I have just 3 games for today, which we will start with thereafter Zu will open up gifts ull so generous brought, I feel like I should just take them for myself, LOL just kidding folks then the snacks will be served. Right, 1st game we gonna have a toilet paper fashion show. I need 6 people split in 2 groups. The group with the best dress "outfit" can dare Zubaida to do whatever they want.

So the 1st game begun and the group that won told me to dance like a belly dancer as if only Zuhayr was in front of me. Boy oh boy I went blood red and the music started and I really showed them what I was made off and as the music stopped I felt ice go down my back!

Zubaida: Zeeeeeee I'm going to kill you!

Zee: hahahaha and 2nd game is a questionnaire. Zubaida will ask any kinky question to random people you HAVE to answer it honestly.

I started asking questions and it was hilarious with all the responses I got. Everyone was in stitches.

Me: what is the kinkiest place did your husband take you Zee?

Zee: The hot spring during our honeymoon, let just say Shuaib and I had burns in places we didn't even know exist!

Me: (laughing) so dear cousin, what did my cousin in law do to get you in bed on your wedding night?

Cousin: Well we were so tired, because we had to catch a 2 am flight to Dubai, so we didn't get any until like three day after we got there! And trust me he had to beg, since I told he should've book for the next day, but men think they know better, so I acted angry and refused him until he grovelled and literally followed me around like puppy!

We were all in awe of her! LOL the rest of the game gave me some great ideas to do with Zuhayr

Zee: 3rd game I need 2 people to stand with broomstick handles between their legs and another 2 to put toilet rolls between their legs and the ones with the toilet rolls to walk with the toilet rolls between their legs to fit it on the broomstick handle.

I was rolling on the floor laughing because Zee made my mom take part in this one. It was hellava funny.

Finally it was time for me to open up gifts and guess who it was from, since I'm good at figuring people out I guessed most right so I was able to dare them to do anything. When it came to Zee's gift I just knew it was from her and I made her POLE DANCE like a real stripper! Or atlest the version she thought was a stripper, it was just too good!

To end the bridal shower Zee, my sister, some cousins and other friends belly danced to a really lovely songs and also fed me strawberries and cream while I was laying on the bed. They must have really practiced for it to be this perfect.

Everyone got eating and chatting and I suddenly felt overwhelmed. A tear dropped down my cheek and I felt Zee giving me a side hug, eyes filled with tears.

Me: thanks for such a lovely day. Everything was perfect.

Zee: it had to be perfect for you my precious Zu (winking)

Before we could say anything more the old aunties got on the dance floor and started showing us what they were actually made off....

Author note:

Applause to the winner Faiza! Thank you so much for the wonderful bridal shower! It was hilarious and too awesome!

My next gen of Zubaida will be written as soon as I am done with Zubaida, and I will send you! You definitely deserved the prize!
Don't ull all agree this bridal shower was Topz!


Instagram: MIZSATHAR

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