Chapter 11:

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Zubaida in stilettos


The flowers was from an old school friend Faheem, after work Zubaida rushes to buy some stuff for the house when she bumps into Zainub the town gossiper.

Chapter 11:

Zuhayr P.O.V:

"What you mean a break? "I said confused, I am in a meeting with one of the top management HR managers, apparently my week in Cape Town isn't for work but a paid vacation. "Yes Mr Sathar we don't have any work for you there, the bosses feel you deserve a treat after getting them the Pampers deal, it will bring in a lot more money. Take the break and be back Monday morning all fresh and ready" he said and leaves.

So after a very strange meeting, paid leave my foot, I bought the tickets and the hotel room, only thing now is I got free time, I wonder if I should tell Shuaib, he might just drag me to do something wild, maybe I should do a little sight-seeing and claim to be working, he won't know a thing, he still only talk about Zeenat, I am sure she an amazing girl, but she mentioned way too often.

So after packaging my stuff, literally helping Husnaa with hers since she taking her sweet time what to decide, I can never understand how they have to consider things to carry for a short weekend in Cape Town, she is going for school not the beaches, "hurry up smartie pant, otherwise we going to be late for our plane, and what do you need this contraption for?" I said, holding up her hair iron, "oh brother it my hair iron, you know to straighten my hair, sometimes you are so clueless, even Shuaib know what it is, and I would be quicker if you would stop trying to pack for me" she said crossly, I am just trying to help and that the thanks I get, so I just leave her and phone Shuaib to find out if he ready, he just like another girl, always late, I am like the only sane person going it seems.

"Hey how the packaging going?" I asks Shuaib, "Almost done, meet you at the airport in an hours' time, Irfaan mother dropping him off there, so we will catch him there. Oh I just found out that Zeenat friend Zubaida going to be in Cape Town, We should make plans to meet them, Zeenat also with, that if you don't mind, because you'll are dating if I remember correctly" he says, " We aren't, how many times must I tell you, and I don't mind, I could care less what they doing there, just make sure I am not expected to behave" I said and cut the call, they haven't stop teasing about Zubaida since the wedding, my little twerp of a sister had to tell him...Zubaida ( she clearly doesn't take being teases as well, just remember her still give me the shivers, but she looked adorable)

Zubaida P.O.V:

"What you mean a trip to Cape Town, and why is this the first I am hearing about it, I can't go now, I got a lot of work" I said to my ignorant parents, it their surprise gift for getting a job, they thought it a great idea to send me and a few of my friends for quick trip to Cape Town, I mean I love the city, especially the waterfront, but how can they expect me just to drop everything and go, I used to be spontaneous, but I need to be responsible now, I will not lose my first job. "Don't be such a bore, plus Zeenat wants to spend some quality time with Shuaib, can you really do that to your best friend, her parents will only allow her to go if you go, and Muhammad and Faheem will be there so you got plenty of company." say my mom, "Yeah please, pretty please" says Zeenat. "Okay fine, but we got to be back by Sunday, no exception" I said, resigned I cannot fight two of them.

So after packaging quickly thanks to everyone pitching in, we hurried off to the airport, and made it just in time, so after checking in, and got to my window seat, I love staring at the sky, it helps with the nervousness of flying, and guess who I am sitting next to non-other than Zuhayr.

Author note:

Apologises for errors, hope your guys like this post, please do comment and let me know what you think.

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