Chapter 29.1:

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Zubaida in stilettos

Zuhayr found out Amaani's getting married, husnaa and irfaan are chating but don't want raisa to find out but she does anyway.

Chapter 29:

Irfaan P.O.V:

" So when did you plan on telling me that url two guys are chatting?" Asks raisa, surprisingly she is calm, but remember it's always calm before a storm, so I threaded carefully, " I thought you would've known, we know each longer than I knew you, so I got her before we started dating, figured it not important, we just friends, right Husnaa?" I asked, hoping for backup, " yeah he's right, what's the point you know, if you want I could delete him raisa?" She asked, delete me..." Nah it fine, I understand" she says and continues playing with my phone

After a little while, I went into the kitchen to get something to drink and husnaa is there, she seemed upset, "Hey what's wrong?" I asked, " huh uhm nothing, I'm good" she says and walks back into the lounge, strange, I will ask her later, grab a coke and go back in.

Husnaa P.O.V:
"" So when did you plan on telling me that url two guys are chatting?" Asked raisa, oh man what do we say now, I did tell Irfaan not to tell, but that stupid forgot to change my name on his phone, " I thought you wouldve known, we know each longer than I knew you, so I got her before we started dating, figured it not important, we just friends, right Husnaa?" He asked," yeah he's right, what the point you know, if you want I could delete him raisa?" I asked, please say it's cool please..." Nah it's fine, I understand" she says and continue playing with his phone, whew that's over, so I decided to just hang in the kitchen, when I get a phonecall.

Me: Hello

Zuhayr: Sis, she getting married...

Me: who?

Zuhayr: Amaani, she...she's back in town

Me: whaat, when did this happen? Why didn't you tell us?

Zuhayr: she got in yesterday and she told me today she's getting married, sis please tell ma, I can't, the reception got our invite, you can fetch it...

Me: okay calm down bhai, I know it not the time to say this, but it's over, you can finally move on, don't let this affect you

Zuhayr: Jee I won't, I love you, you know that right, I will be home soon

And cut the call, I can't believe that girl, I trusted her, we all did, she was like family, I loved her like my own sister, than she just left, with no words...

That when irfaan walks in and asks what's wrong, I can't tell him and just say all is fine and go back, time to tell mom....

Me: hey guys, sorry to cut things short, but my bro coming home soon, and we just want to have a small supper, see you guys at school

Raisa: okay cool chika

Paula: yeah bye sweetie

Cassim: yeah see ya

Irfaan: bye, chat later okay

So after everyone left, I went upstairs to find mom, she was in her room reading Quraan, Aah she looked so peaceful, wonder how she'll handle the news...

Me: maa, uhm Zuhayr phoned, saying he will be home shortly

Mom: okay, go start the salad, I'll just finish up and join you, any ideas what you want for supper?

Me: uhm ma, there's something I need to tell you Amaani, she's back and is getting married...

After a little silence my mom answers

Mom: Oh how nice for her, May Allah make her happy in her new life

That's it, not upset her son's heart just broke, or how's that...that woman betrayed us...Just wishing her happiness

Me: but maa...

Mom: noo doll, never wish ill on another, yes she hurt us all, but she's making amends, so forgive her, and I told you I never wanted her as a daughter in law, but a daughter, so now my wishes came through

Me: Oh maa, you so sweet, I love you

Mom: I love you too, don't think I don't remember you got salad duty, now go

So we both quickly made yummy food and laid the table, awaiting Zuhayr

Zuhayr P.O.V:

After phoning Husnaa, I needed my best friend, so I phoned Shuaib and told him to meet me at his new yacht, he been meaning to show me, so we wouldve been killing two bird with one stone, so after a quiet drive along the ocean, I reached the habour, and Shuaib was there already

" Hey boet, come on, we aint got whole day" he says, beakoning me into the yacht, so we set sail and enjoy the ocean view, after a while I broke the silence

Me: She's getting married bro

Shuaib: I know man, I know, she came by the house yesturday, I'm really sorry man

Me: Well I'm not, I mean she just can't expect to drop of an invite and expect me to be all A for away, she left!

Shuaib: Yeah she did, and that was two years ago, it's time to let go...

Me: I had left her behind, I forgot about her...But than she just reappears, and I almost made the stupid mistake, of ending things with Zubaida...for her bro!

Shuaib: I know, you loved her, but she the past and now hopefully Zubaida might be your future

Me: She's great, funny and cute, but I don't want to jink what we have, she's perfect as she is, I don't want to get to serious to fast

Shuaib: I get it man, hey do you want to hang out just us men, go fishing this weekend?

Me: Yeah I would like that, but I got to get back, my family waiting

Shuaib: Okay drive safe, and let me know when you want to go for fishing I'm open all the time, you pick the place and time and I'm there

Me: I know, thanks boet

When I reach home, I'm greeted with smells of freshly cooked Akhni, and the table laid with all sorts of delicious side dishes, made my mouth water.

After settling down, we talked and ate, it just made everything else seem secondary, my family's perfect just the way it is

Author note:

This is part 1, part 2 shall be posted soon

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Lots of love


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