New Character- Bo Sinclair

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(A/N: Another brother is going to be in!! Ladies and gentlemen if you are a fan of House of Wax, I'm adding the Evil Twin Bo Sinclair! This character is picked by KoMotionlessQueenMM. Hope you enjoy this one.)

How You Met:

Your parents have left you out on the streets alone as you did whatever you can to survive. For clothes, you got some torn ones, for food you went to convenience stores to pay for them and for money, you have to work at a hotel and you also sleep there. You have a day off as you are outside in the cold as you see a man with short hair.

"Hey there. What are you doing outside in the cold?" The man asked

"Just have a day off from work." You said

"My name is Bo. Bo Sinclair." Bo said

"My name is Y/N L/N." You said

You then shake his hand as he begin to slowly smile and also give you a little noogie. He then leaves as you smiled a bit, hoping to see him again.

Meeting Again/Becoming Close Friends:

You are now at the hotel with your uniform on as the boss who is a female told you that you are done as you got out and went over and notice Bo who is fixing the car. You smiled and begin to come to him as he turn around and look at you.

"Hey Y/N." Bo said

"Hey Bo. Whatcha up to?" You smiled

"Fixing the car and then I have to check on my twin brother." Bo said

"Who's your twin?" You asked

"It's a secret." Bo said

You begin to giggle as Bo begin to pat your back and even give you a bit of money and you thanked him and become close friends.

His Feelings Towards You:

Y/N is so caring and I got to figure out what's wrong with her. She's so pretty and very beautiful and I should ask her on a date. An evil twin like myself should cheer her up. I'll ask her out.

When He Asked You Out:

Your parents have called you on the phone as you are eating some chicken fingers with some fruit as Bo came over and notice that you are on the cellphone. He begin to wait patiently as you begin to came over to him and got a fake smile.

"Hello Bo." You said

"Y/N is something wrong?" Bo Asked

"Ok.. my parents called and they want my money." You said

Bo begin to growl and came over and hug you close and kiss your cheek.

"Would you mind going out with me?" Bo asked

"YES!" You smiled

Bo smiled and tell you to meet him at his place at 9 as you feel very happy that Bo asked you out.

First Date/Kiss:

Bo have took you a nice date at Olive Garden and you begin to smile and got some chicken parmigiana as Bo got some chicken piccata. He then tell you about his past life which made you feel very sorry for him and hug him close. He then bring you outside and give you a passionate kiss on the lips. You have the best date with Bo Sinclair ever.

The Nicknames he called You:

Bo calls you his sweetie, babe, and even cupcake.

When He Gets Jealous:

At the House Of Wax, Bo introduced you to Vincent Sinclair as Vincent shakes your hand and even feels happy for you. While you are exploring the House Of Wax, a man came over and started to grind on your ass.

"Hey baby~~." The man grinned

"Go away. I'm taken." You said

"Aww come on. I wanna fuck you~." The man smirked

Just as you are about to say no, Bo sucker punch the man into the face as he's knocked out and Bo kiss your lips.

"You're mine!" Bo said

You giggled as Bo begin to chuckle at you and begin to torture the man so painfully as Bo gets gets jealous very easily.

Bo Sinclair: Thanks for adding me to the story

Me: No prob Bo

Vincent: *comes over to Bo and stay right next to him*

Bo: Did you waxed another person?

Vincent: *made a nod which is yes*

Tiffany: Wow they are twins

Hannibal: Its a pleasure to meet you Bo

Bo: Nice to meet you too.

Me: Hope everyone enjoys this chapter

Bo Sinclair: See You followers!

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