New Character- Lucas Baker

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(A/N: To all the Resident Evil 7 Fans, Im adding Lucas Baker to my story!! Hope you fans are ready and this request is from snkaotgem. Props to her for giving me the character.)

How You Met:

You are now jogging with the track team at school and you begin to sweat and take a sip of water. You then smile and see a guy as he came over to you.

"Hey hot stuff." The guy said

"Hey who are you?" You asked

"My name is Lucas. Lucas Baker. You?" Lucas asked

"Y/N L/N." You said

Lucas begin to chuckle and give you his address as you thanked him and he walked away. You felt so happy that you are going to see him again.

Meeting Him Again/Becoming Close Friends:

You went over to the address that Lucas gave you and you begin to open the door and notice mold monsters growling and snarling. You then felt a cage going on you as Lucas chuckled.

"Ahh Y/N welcome to our game. The game I like to call hide and seek. The rules of the game our simple, you hide and I count to ten. Here's a bet, if I win, you can stay with me for the rest of your life but if you win I'll let you go." Lucas said

When Lucas started counting, you found the perfect place to hide which is underneath the bed that have a hidden door for a hideout. You pick locked the door and hide underneath and stay quiet. As Lucas started looking for you, you keep quiet and that's when he notice the hideout and unlock it and that's when he tickle you and you laughed as your ticklish.

"I found you! Hehehe you are one pretty girl." Lucas said

You blushed and giggled as you lost but in the end, Lucas let you go and he lead you out and you begin to become close friends.

His Feelings Towards You:

Y/N is a very fine and pretty girl. Mmh can't believe I met her at the track place. She's so beautiful with her E/C eyes and that S/C skin and her hair is so pretty. Man something cause me to stop her.. I'm in love with her!

When He Ask You Out:

You are now at the track meet as you are running and that's when your friends cheer you on and your coach is proud of you that you got first place. You smiled as the other teams give you a high five or handshake for a good game. That's when you see Lucas as he came over and asked you out. You smiled and said yes as Lucas smiled and kiss your cheek as you giggled.

First Date/Kiss:

Lucas have brought you over to his workshop for his traps that he made and he kiss your cheek as you smile and he gave you a meal which is chicken francese with some roasted broccoli as you eat it and smile. He then give you some soda which you drink it and he smiled. After when you are finish eating, he wipe your mouth as you smiled as he then kiss your lips as you kisses back. You feel very happy that he dated you.

Nicknames He Called You:

Lucas call you his baby, sweetie pie and even his love.

When He Cheats On You/Break Up:

You are now at the track team running with the group and that's when you see Lucas making out with another girl. You felt heartbroken and you begin to cry and ran back home. While you're at home, the same girl that made out with Lucas knock and you came over and she begin to smirk.

"Oh hey Y/N, guess what? Lucas is through with your constant bitchy attitude and I'm going to be his lover. Bye slut." The girl said

You slammed the knowing that this is true and cries again.

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