When They Get A Nightmare

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Brahms Heelshire:

You are now fast asleep dreaming as Brahms is also asleep until he started to whimper and turn a few times while saying no. He started to have a nightmare of his parents abusing him after you left. He continues to whine which cause you to wake up and gently shook Brahms as he's awake with a cold sweat. You asked him about his nightmare and he tell you that his parents are abusing him as he started to cry. You then comfort him by cuddling as he hope his nightmare won't come true.

Pyramid Head:

Pyramid Head is asleep in his bed with you and that's when he dreamt that you are being killed by multiple monsters including the bubble headed nurses, mutant dogs and you even got to the point where you are assaulted by another Pyramid Head. He then wakes up while panting as you came with a glass of water. He came over to you and hold you close as you asked him what's wrong. He tried to explain about his nightmare but he is shaking and you tell him it's ok. He then falls asleep while cuddling you, hoping his dream won't be a reality.

Tex Sawyer:

Tex is now asleep and is dreaming about you in the flowers until it turns into a nightmare as you are now being killed by him as Tex laughed insanely by stabbing you and cutting you into pieces. He woke up and screamed which cause you to wake up as you look at him.

"What's wrong Tex?" You asked

"I-I have a nightmare.. you-you were killed by me." Tex said while looking down

You nodded no as Tex hold you close as you know he won't ever do that to you. He falls asleep with you as he hope this nightmare won't be a reality.

Harry Warden:

You are now asleep as Harry is also asleep with you as he dreamed about you at the mines and that's when he showed up and kill you with his pickaxe. He then pull out the heart while squeezing it which made him wake up and he pants hard. He then begin to cuddle with you close while stroking your hair as he then fall asleep. He doesn't want his reality to come true.


SweetTooth is now fast asleep on his bed with you and that's when he dreamed that he grabbed you by the neck, taking out his machete and couldn't control himself as you screamed with fear. He then plunge the machete right through the heart until he woke up while muttering and that's when you are also sleeping. He begin to hold you in a protective manner hoping that his nightmare won't come true.


At night, you were sleeping as CandyMan had a horrible dream which is about you being tortured by the same people that tortured CandyMan. CandyMan was calling out your name as you got stung by bees and that's when he woke up in a cold sweat and see you fast asleep. He pulled you close and cuddle you and kiss your forehead, hoping this nightmare won't come true.


Foxy is now asleep in his bed at Pirate Cove until he started to have a nightmare of himself not being in control as he killed you and stuffed you into a Fazbear suit. He woke up and begin to look at you as you are fast asleep and Foxy cuddled you close, hoping his nightmare won't be true.


Creeper is now fast asleep as he dreamed about you being killed by the demonic entity Valek as Creeper was being forced to watch. He woke up and he begin to be in a cold sweat and he saw you asleep and kiss you on the forehead and he then slept as he hope that this nightmare won't come true.

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