Chapter 14

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Life was pointless. That's all I could say at this point. I had went to far on my wrists this time and there was no way I could hide all of it. To make matters worse, Beau was suspicious of something being wrong. I almost preferred Luke being angry with me to Beau giving me the pity I didn't deserve.

I quickly avoided both of my brothers and started my wall to school. I kept glancing down at my wrists nervously the entire time. It's too hot this time of year to wear long sleeve shirts so that had been out of the question, and I tried to put on as many bracelets as possible, but I had ran out. The bracelets covered a lot of it, but you could still clearly see the fresh cuts that littered both my arms.

My goal today was to try to avoid as many people as possible. Hopefully then no one would notice my fresh cuts or any of my other scars. As long as no one saw them, I was good.

Thankfully, I made it to school right before the bell for home room rang, so I headed there immediately. Luke just happened to be in the same home room as me, so my avoidance was going to start pretty early.

When I walked into the room, my breathe caught in my throat. Luke was already in the room. He looked so happy, surrounded by his friends. Luke eyes sparkled brightly with a hint of mischief and he had a grin bigger than I've seen in a long time. My heart clenched in my chest as I realized how happy my twin would be if I wasn't in his life to cause him misery.

If I had never of been born, Luke's life would be practically perfect. Luke was a great person and had a wonderful personality. Most people loved him until they found out he had a twin brother. After they discovered that, they would compare us and all of my flaws seemed to reflect onto Luke after that.

If only I wasn't alive to ruin his life...

I looked down at the floor as I walked in the room and took a seat at an empty desk in the back of the room. Isolation was key today and this corner of the room was pretty empty.

"Jai?" I was snapped out of my thoughts as Luke kneeled in front of my desk with a questioning look. "Are you okay? You look really pale."

"M'fine. I just had a long walk." I replied simply.

"You should have waited for Beau and I this morning. We drove like usual." Luke smirked, obviously thinking this was all a joke.

"What do you want, Luke?" I sighed loudly, earning a glare from Luke in return.

"To know why my twin brother suddenly hates everyone!"


"Hey little Jai-Jai!" Dylan sing-songed, running up to me in the empty hallway. This was great. If Dylan saw my arms my life would be over. He would either torture me until the truth came out or he would laugh and tell everyone himself.

"H-Hey Dylan." I stuttered out. He smirked at me when he noticed my stutter and I mentally slapped myself at my own stupidity. I stared at my shoes so I didn't have to look at his stupid smirk. If I just didn't make him mad, then maybe everything would be okay.

"That's cute! Little Jai-Jai is giving up!" Dylan snickered before gesturing to his friend Matt. Matt stepped forward and  grabbed me by the front of my shirt before slinging me to the floor and sitting on my back. He had to be twice my body weight, so that just mad him crushing me that much worse.

"Didn't even put up a fight." Matt chuckled to himself. I groaned from where I lay on the floor. It was hard to breathe with him crushing me like that. I thought that it couldn't get much worse until it actually did.

"What's this?" Dylan said suddenly intrigued, catching everyone's attention. "Get off him for a sec, Matt."

"What is it?" Matt asked him after jumping off of me. Now I was confused. If his friends didn't know what was going on, then that can't possibly be good. Dylan was smart. That wasn't a good thing for someone like me who he absolutely hated.

"Show me your arm, Jai." Dylan drawled, smirking. I felt nothing but terror in that moment. I didn't expect anyone to notice. He couldn't notice. If Dylan knew then my life would practically be over. It would just be one more thing for him to harass me about. Who knows how miserable he could make me if he knew.

"I'm good." I tried to keep my voice confident, so that maybe he would be thrown off the trail he had grasped onto. His smirk seemed to grow even wider at that point. Dylan walked closer to me and crouched down next to me. Keeping eye contact with me he grabbed my arm and squeezed hard, causing me to flinch and let out a small whimper of pain. His smirk grew even wider as he flipped my arm over and stared down at it in amazement.

"Aww, looks like Jai-Jai is a cutter! How cute!"

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