Chapter 3

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"So, what did Mr. Wright want from you?" Luke asked, later than night as we we're both laying in our designated bunks. I blanched at the question. My English teacher noticed that something was wrong, but my twin brother didn't. I don't think Luke would enjoy that explanation very much.

"Nothing important." I faked a laugh. "He just wanted to tell me that my grammar and punctuation needed a lot of work."

"That's for sure. You're grammar sucks!" Luke chuckled. It hurt a little to know that he could be so easily convinced that everything was okay when it really wasn't. I haven't been okay in a long time. I felt a single tear roll down my face at the thought. How much longer do I have to suffer before I can actually be happy?


"Jai, we need to talk..." James informed me the next day. I gulped. I knew this was coming, but I didn't expect it to be this soon. Honestly, I was dreading this. I just had to turn in that poem.

"You know what James? I'd love to, but I'm actually running late for a thing o need to do." I lied badly. While I could lie easily, I was absolutely terrible at making up excuses.

"Jai, you're talking to the king of excuses. Did you really think that would work?" James dead-panned and I groaned.

"Sorry. That was pretty bad." I laughed, slightly embarrassed. James sighed, and I knew something bad was coming.

"Your poem told me a lot I didn't know, Jai. I feel like a terrible friend for not noticing." James said.

"You didn't notice because I didn't want you to." I frowned. "I'm fine though, really."

"You may think you're alone, Jai, but I'll always be here when you need a friend." James smiled. I smiled back.

"Thanks James. Just keep this between me and you, though."

"Wait, does Luke know you feel like that?" James was confused. I rolled my eyes at him.

"No, and I plan on keeping it that way."

"Are you sure that's really a good idea, Jai?" James asked, hesitantly. "Luke is your twin and he'll still love you no matter what happens."

"I wouldn't be so sure." I mumbled, thinking about how Luke would react when he realized how pathetic I am.

"Jai, y-" James started to reason with me, but I quickly yelled at him in anger.

"Just shut up James! You don't know anything!"

"Jai?" I turned to see Luke standing in the doorway, staring at me angrily. "What do you think you're doing? Being mean to James of all people?"

"I..." I couldn't find the right words to say.

"You what?" Luke snarled at me. "James is practically a giant cupcake, yet you thought it would be a good idea to bully him! How would you feel if someone bullied you? I swear you're such a jerk sometimes! Come on James, let's go!"

I watched as my best friend and twin brother left the room, leaving me in emotional agony. Luke didn't understand. I was bullied everyday. I had simply snapped at James in a moment of frustration, but Luke didn't see it that way. Just like how he never saw the countless bruises and busted lips I came home from school with everyday.

It wasn't fair.


"Why hello, Jaidon!" Dylan snickered at me, during lunchbreak. "I've noticed that your big twin brother hasn't been around to protect you all day. What a tragedy!"

"Luke doesn't protect me." I ground out, getting more of an attitude with him than usual. His gaze immediately intensified, as he narrowed his eyes at me before smiling.

"Oh I'm sorry." He quickly punched me in the stomach, making me talk to my knees. "Just exactly who is it that makes the calls here? It's seemed to slip my mind!"

I groaned out in pain, but this only caused him to kick me in the side out of rage.

"I can't hear you!" He yelled, causing me to flinch back.

"I'm sorry. You make the calls." I spoke up, already feeling the shame from the words I said.

"That's right, Jaidon." Dylan suddenly smirked as an idea seemed to dawn on him. "Now, you're going to unstuck your shirt and undo your tie."

"What?" My eyes widened at what he was saying. Our school had a strict dress code and it was an automatic detention if you were caught breaking it.

"Did I stutter?! You heard me! Now, get to it!" He ordered. I gulped, but did as he said. "Perfect, now go get your lunch before break is over."

"But, someone will see my clothes!" I argued.

"Yeah, that's kind of the point." He laughed before walking away.

My heart seemed to race more and more the closer I got to the cafeteria. I was going to get caught, I just knew it. fact, I screamed when I felt a hand come down on my shoulder.

"Jai, what are you doing?" The person asked me incredulously. I opened my eyes to see my oldest brother, Beau, looking at me as if I'd grown a second head.

"I'm getting some food?" It came out as more of a question than a statement, and Beau raised an eyebrow at me in complete confusion.

"Your clothes, Jai." Beau urged. I simply stared at him, causing him to let out a huge sigh. "Straighten your uniform. I can't pick you up tonight if you get a detention. I expect more from you, I swear."

I hurriedly fixed my uniform, fearing Beau slightly more than Dylan in that moment. He rarely used his big brother voice, and when he does he's extremely serious. It's kind of weird considering how much he jokes around, but he could yell a lot whenever Luke and I got into trouble.

"Sorry, Beau." I apologized, not wanting him to be mad at me.

"Yeah, well, don't think Mum isn't finding out about this tonight." He huffed. I looked down and in that moment decided I wasn't hungry after all. I had disappointed Beau, of all people. Who does that?

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