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Since I ran away at seventeen my life has been on a constantdownhill plunge. Not like I'm a druggie or anything and it's actually not that bad at all but still.

I'm still in high school and I still have to buy food and clothes. Currently I live with my best friend, Quinn, beta wolf.

He's a real sweetheart without a doubt.

His mom is like rich from her last two divorces. Somehow she married a beta and gama that were both young and rich so when he graduated she bought a loft that we share until I get enough money for myself. There's no way he's going to let me leave, not that I want to, but I'm going to half rent or something like that. I've know him for quite sometime and it's the least I could do.

I was born in Italy but moved to the states with my mom after my father died when I was 8. A year later she fell into a very deep and dark depression, started drinking and doing drugs which led her to Mike, an Omega. He supplied her with drugs and gave her alcohol so she wouldn't be aware of anything. Especially him beat me.

He liked to boast about it to his friends and show me off like a object or prize he won. Its because my mom says when my wolf matures I will be an alpha, like my father and since he's omega beating an alpha child senseless is an honorable and somehow okay or something..? I don't know.

I was either cooking, cleaning, or being beaten. He'd broken many of my bones and knocked me out more times than I could count. He leaves cuts all over my waist and tells people it was me so they think I'm sick in the head.

Q found out when he stupidly broke into my house one night to sneak me out. I was in the bathroom of my.. room, if that's what you want to call it, in a puddle of my own blood.

We were sixteen at the time, he told me I had to leave or he would call the cops but Mike had ties. It would only make it worse. So I did. Like I said his mum is rich and his closet was basically a bedroom. Which is where he hid me and when his mum finally met me it was because I went to the kitchen thinking she was gone.

He introduced me as his girlfriend and his mum didnt even mind.

He took me with him when he moved out and.. yeah. That's it. That's my life. Today was like any other day except my actual boyfriend. Matt, gama, he and I got into an argument at lunch and I won't speak to him. Matt's really sweet, to one of the reasons why I like him, we're a bit opposite but we love each other.

"El. El please I'm sorry. What do ya want from me?" He sighed. He's from Russia. I spun around with my binder clutched to my chest. I got my nose pierced and he got angry. "I want you to stop yelling at me an just let me do what I want with my body." I said softly yet strong enough to let him know I was upset.

"No. El. You are my girl. I want a say in you putting holes in your face."

"You are such a jerk Matt. Sometimes I wish you'd just not even speak to me. Hey, maybe you can start now?" I stomped like a stubborn child and turned back around just to be spun right back around and pushed against the lockers. "You need to calm the hell down!" Matt basically yelled in my face, I flinched.

He obviously noticed and regret started to fill his eyes. "El?" I didn't look up at him. Just started straight ahead into his chest. Im 5'2 he's 5'11. "El please. Im sorry
D-Don't. Please. Don't ignore me." He pleaded.

"You didn't let me even tell you why I did it." I whispered. He sighed. "I know. Im sorry. Tell me." He said with a soft smile and I looked around. We were in the hallway at school but the hall was empty. "My wolf matured last night. It's was awfully painful but it did." I whispered. His eyes went wide. "Wow. El. That's amazing! Why didn't you say something sooner. Like after it happened?" I frowned

"I didn't wake up until this morning. Naked in the middle of the woods. I don't even know what.. I am." I said and barely whispered the last thing.

He smiled. "Well I can help you with that." I frowned. I don't know if my mom was right or not. If I am a beta, delta, or gamma no one will care. If I'm omega everyone will mess with me. If im alpha everyone will want to speak to me. That just how it is. There are only 2 alphas in our whole school. Ryan Epps and Amanda Eri can.

They were basically no one until their wolves matured last year. Being an alpha is very important to everyone. Any and everyone.

"What if I'm omega?!" I asked and he frowned. "You aren't. You're most likely beta or delta, maybe gamma like me." He said with a confident smile.

He doesn't know about my family. I don't know what my mother was.. or if my father was really alpha. I swallowed as he pulled me to the main office. "Can I help you two?" The lady asked. "Yes. My girlfriend. Her wolf matured last night and she dont-" "Doesn't." I corrected​. "Doesn't.. know what she is. I know the nurse helps with that kinda thing." The lady smiled and me and pointed to the nursed office.

*Half an hour time skip*

I've been sitting here waiting on this stupid shot to tell me what I am. I been nawing at my lip so much it's numb. "I'm sure everything's fine." Matt told me giving my hand a soft squeeze. Just then the door opened and I stood up. "Okay. Just drink this and im pretty sure it'll take affect immediately." I took the syrup like a shot and Matt tensed up and pulled his hand back. I automatically thought the worst. "Well." She said and motioned for me to sit before smiling. "Your aura is pretty strong. I'd say you were made of alpha dominated blood."

"T-this, that can't be right. I can't be alpha dominant. That would mean-" "Both your parents are alphas." She finished. "We also need to speak to them." At that I shook my head. "Um.. my d-dad died when I was 10 and I haven't seen my mom in about a year." I explained. She gave me a sad smile and said. "It's alright. Well congrats. Very, VERY few people are alpha dominant." I nodded and looked at Matt. Who by the way looked just as shocked as I.

"You didn't say your parents were alphas." He whispered on our was out. "I didn't know." I whispered back and the bell rang.

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