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So after he left I got super bored and decided why not go to training. I can see all the different ways to get my ass kicked.

There was a whole lot thinks from PINK which is another sign that Q helped pick this stuff out. I settled on grey sweats with a matching sports bra and running shoes.

When I was headed to the training room which isn't even attached to the castle Q passed me and did a double take. "Where are you going?" "By the looks of it the same place you are." He had on sweats and no shirt. "Really.. you're going to work out." I punched him hard and he grabbed his arm. "That hurt you bitch." "Good.. whore." He chuckled be and we walked together.

"I guess we can partner up." He said and I nodded. He handed me some Bluetooth​ earphones. "There's gonna be a whole lotta people. Theres another pack coming." "Oh. Thanks." I don't like here the buzz of people talking. I always had my earphones in at school. When we got there it looked like planet fitness. I'm so serious. "Punching bag." He said and pointed to the many punching bags.

"El bug you know you're like hella stronger than me so don't." I punched the bag and he grunted. "Bitch." He muttered. "Come on. You know how this goes." We've worked out together but rarely. I pushed play and the first song that played was superman. Q always plays this song. I glared at him, who was smiling. Not gonna lie though. I love it. I didn't notice how much stronger I'd gotten since Ezra matured because well, I was busy. After we finished with the punching bag I had to hold it for him and he was trying his best to make me struggle.

I let go of the bag while he was mid swing so he fell forward. I on the other hand was on the floor holding my stomach from the cramp I was getting from laughing. "Why would you do that you ass?" He whined. I helped him up once I was done laughing. "I'm sorry but I just wanted to show you how unbalanced you are. Your feet were too far apart." Before my dad died he put my in beta training early.. way early. "You could have just told me." I stuck my tongue out at him. "Grow some balls." "Grow some boobs." I scoffed. "At least their bigger thank your peas for balls." "What ever mosquito bites." I jumped on his back and he thankfully he caught me.

Then few people walked past me. "Hello Luna." One​ of the women said and I nodded in greeting. "Oh so you accept the title now." "Let's go get some water." He huffed and hiked me up further on his back.

I was squirting water in my mouth we someone screamed my full name and made me jump. I girl. "ELOISE FIERY SNOW!" Every head turned towards the source off the scream including mine. I know her face. I thought before I was tackled hugged. "El oh my god! I haven't seen you since everyone found out you were and alpha. Do you have a pack? You know the Blood moon pack?" She rushed out. Now I remember. "Minnie." I sighed and finally hugged her back.

She was in my dance class. She was the choreographer. I was at the top of my class along with the captain. Riley. He's an asshole but we were semi good friends. He didn't like me because he along with most of the class we're all in the same pack. The earthbound pack. "Oh man come on." She squealed and nearly pulled my arm out of the sockets. I was super embarrassed because Minnie is loud and.. well she brings alot of attention to everything. To make it worse she dragged me right past Kristen who was pissed for some unknown reason. She dragged me into a dance room. The far side wall was a mirror so yeah.

"Look who's here!" She basically screamed and made me flinch. "Oh wow. El." A few of the people I knew said. Then that's when Riley decided to walk up to me and to my surprise fist bump me.

"Hey." He said and I awkwardly fist bumped him back.  "Did you bring your pack here miss alpha?" He asked and I cringed. "Sorta." I mumbled and as if on que Kristen walked right up behind me and growled. I spun only to be met with his chest.

"Alpha Kristen." Riley and Minnie said in unison. Minnie smiled​. "Alpha have you met Alpha Eloise.." Then she trailed off and giggled. "Well obviously she's at your training house so duh." She laughed but got quite loud because Kristen and I were having a staring contest. "What.. are you wearing?" He asked. I sighed because I thought he was angry about something serious.

"Kristen really?" I sighed and put my hand over my heart. "You made me think it was something serious." I said.  "It is serious. I don't want you walking around all of the unmated males in.. this!" He growled. "Please don't start Kris. Look at every other woman in here." "You aren't every other woman. Your mine." My heart dropped.

"What?" Minnie sqeaked. "El youre.. his mate?" She whispered for once in her life. "Yes.." I mumbled and she whimpered. She always talked about how sad it would be to be mated to him when we would see news about him and stuff.

He was notorious for.. well the cruelty part. She patted my back and I smiled but I was actually giving her a look that told her to go away.  "Ella I don't like it. Here." He handed me a shirt with the not arms and it was severely stretched. I doubt it would cover anything. "No." I pouted and glared at  the shirt which earned a glare from him. "You're so annoying." I mumbled and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down to my height and kissed him nose. He seemed suprised by my public display of affection.

He blinked and looked at Minnie. "How do you know a member of the earthbound pack?" "Um.. school." He nodded. "Yeah. She was best in our class." Minnie said. "Oh really?What class?" "Histo-" I started. "Dance!" Minnie interrupted and I cursed her in my head. "Oh yeah? Can I see?" I sighed and decided to play dumb.

"See what exactly?" "You dance." I shook my head and he frowned. "Ella." He warned. "Kristen." I whined and Minnie pulled on my arm. "Yeah show him. Come on." She urged and I looked at Riley who shrugged and I scowled at him. He just smirked. "Okay then." I said hesitantly. "Which one?" Minnie asked and I shrugged.

"One I know." She nodded as she stood beside me. "I know you know the Timmy Tuner remix choreography right?" She muttered and I smiled at her. The room was slowly filling up with on lookers.

'Kristen is dead.' I thought to myself.

We did the 1MILLION dance choreography to the Tiimmy Turner remix.

(Video above. Only have to watch the first dance cause its the best.)

At the end people clapped and Kristen was leaning against the wall with a smirk. "You make the cutest faces." He laughed. "Piss off." Ezra growled and I covered my mouth. "Sorry." He nodded cause he can tell it wasn't me. "It was good princess. Maybe you can dance for me. Privately." He whispered so only I could hear.

"Maybe." I said because I didn't get what he meant until I said it again in my head. "Wait. No. You perverted man." I gasped.

"Your perverted man though."

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