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"Kay. You aren't gonna introduce me to the beautiful lady you seem to be smitten with?" A deep voice said making me jump. "Antoine this is Ella. My mate." Kris said gritted his teeth which made his jaw tick.

So sexy.

A fairly.. nice looking guy stepped forward with light brown eyes, tanned skin and fairly long hair. "Hello." "Hi." I mumbled as he kissed my hand.

"Pleasure to meet you Luna Ella." "El." I corrected. "Only Kris calls me Ella."

"Oh. El then." He said still holding my hand. My eyes flicked to Kristen's who's were on our hands as I pulled away. "It nice to see you already know some of my pack members. Beta Riley and Beta Minnie." "Yes. I know some of your Delta's and Gammas too." I in formed him. "Yes." His eyes drifted to my neck.

"Unmarked I see." I try not to frown. "Yes." I hissed. "I was waiting until my birthday." I said and Kristen's head snapped in my direction. "It would be the ultimate gift. To be completely mated with your soul mate. Sounds perfect to me." I said more to me that him. "Are you marked?" His turn to frown. "No. I haven't found my mate yet." "Bonne chance." I said and smiled. "How did you know I was from France?" "You still have bit of an accent." I said and he nodded. "And you.. your accent is thick. Did you just move here?" "No. I just like to stay close to my roots even though I am far from it." He nods. "If only everyone was like you. The world would be perfect." I wanted to roll my eyes but I smiled. With that Kristen pulled me away. "Sorry to interrupt. I need to talk to Eloise in private." Kristen said and pulled me away.

I cringed at his use of my full name. I thought he was taking me back to the house but he took me to the side of the building where no one else was.

"Kristen what's wrong now?" I whined and he stared at me. He pushed he up against the wall and kissed me. I shoved him off. "Kristen! We're outside." He shrugged and grabbed me by my waist picking me up and forced my legs around him and pressed my back against the wall.

"French Ella?" He asked. "He was French I though he would like to hear it?" "You know what I would like to hear?" "N-no." I stutter as he kissed my jaw back to the spot on my neck where he's gonna mark me. I bit my lip when he sucked it softly. "Kristen stop." I whined and smacked his shoulder. "Why?" He growled. "Because." I stated. "Are you serious about me marking you on your birthday?" I stared at him. "You weren't." He said his eyes glazing over like he was gonna cry.

I know he would'nt actually but still  I started to freak out. "No. I di- I did." I assured him. His face instantly lit up and he gave me this adorable lop sided smile. Dear goddess.

I kissed him on impulse. "You're so cute at times." I squealed. He frowned. "I'm not cute." "You are. You're adorable." "Ella don't call me that." "So you can call what you like and I can't say your cute?" "No." "Why? Cause you like it?" I laughed. He bit my shoulder. Like an actual bite. Not at soft one either, enough to really hurt, enough to make me cry but I held it back. What the hell is wrong with him?! "Ow why th- Kristen why did you do that?" I asked and put my hand over the bite mark. "Put me down." I said. He did without hesitation and smirked. "Did it really hurt that bad?" He laughed. Before I knew it I'd kneed him in his crotch and pushed him on the ground. "Why are you so nice at one time then such an asshole a second later." I cried and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. I stomped off back to the castle. I took a shower and pulled on a hoodie and jeans before going to the medical wing because my arm still hurt and the bite marks still there.

"It will heal." Doctor Stelle said. "But why hasn't it? I'm an alpha don't I heal faster then most?" "You would have if it hadn't have been Kristen who bit you. Since technically the first time he supposed to.. truly bite you is when he marks you. Since that wasn't the case it hurt more than it should have and looks worse. But really he didn't even break skin. Just looks it." He said as he bandages it up. "Well how long will it be there?" "Just until around this time tomorrow." I frowned and nodded.

"Also. Alpha Kristen is on his way down here." He said his eyes clouded. I jumped up. "Hide me." He handed me a bottle of clear liquids. "Hides your smell." He said and I nodded, sprayed myself, and hid behind a curtain just as Kristen walked in. "Where is she?" "She left alpha." "I told you to hold her." "I tried but Luna was not very pleased when she came down here. She didn't listen to me after I bandaged her." "Bandaged?! For what? I barely bit her?" "Ah yes. You are her mate remember. And she is unmarked. You applied too much pressure and her body took it as more pain than it was because she hasn't yet been marked by you." He explains. Kristen groaned and I could hear him plop down. "She kneed me in the balls." He whined.

I almost laughed out at that. "Oh. You need an ice pack?" "No." He growled then groaned. "She cried. I felt like an ass. I was just playing with her. I can play with her or be intimate without something bad happening." He whined. I moved the curtain back. "I'm not apologizing and stop talking to him like he's therapist." I said.

His head snapped to me. "Why can't I smell you?" He asked immediately. I shrugged. "Maybe I rejected our mate bond. You know that makes us normal toward each other."

He didn't like that because he was in front of me before I could blink. "You didn't." He said, devastation settling in his eyes, face, and voice. ⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆

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