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I tried to push him off but I was way too weak. "Kristen." I whimpered and Xavier and Quinn busted through the door just as he dropped me. I was way too weak and I couldn't really move. Quinn quickly picked me up. "What the hell?!" Q yelled and passed me to Xavier before jumping on Kristen who took 3 hits before he stopped him. I myself, was in a catatonic like state. I wanted to speak but couldn't. Nor could I move. Then I passed out.

Kristen's POV

I marked her. Without permission. Okay my god. Oh dear God. Quinn looked like he was gonna kill me.

30 mins later.
My mother came to get me and dragged me to the ball. I told her that Ella stayed home because I know for a fact if I tell her what I did she with castrate me. I'm scared. She looked so scared I didn't mean to mark her it just.. happened. I was so fucking angry. Once we got to the ball they announced us and the whole time I was super paranoid. Something crazy was about to happen. I can feel it.

Ella's POV

I woke up to an ache in my neck and a headache. I had that weird feeling you get when you sleep longer than you need and feel all groggy. I looked over at the time. 10:30?! I shot up out of the bed and started fixing my self up. That's when I saw it.

Kris' mark.

Memories of what happened hit me like and anvil. He marked me.. without my permission. He just marked me.

I was angry and sad and happy all at once. I bet I look crazy. That asshole! And he left me. They all did! You know what.. I'm staying.

What not I'm not. The fuck they think this is?! I kill all of them.

Whoa. Chill Eloise.

Nah fuck that.

I left the hotel room and made my way downstairs. I had to take friken cab too cause they took the car. Just wait. When we pulled up to the building I started to rethink coming.

"Look lady I got places to go!" The driver yelled at me. I growled and bared my now elongated fangs. He help up his hands. "Sorry Miss." He rushed out and I scoffed and got out. Before I could pay he peeled off.

I shrugged and realized how late I really was when I noticed that no one was out side. I've been to the mating ball before and there were hella people. On my way to the ballroom I passed a few people who were staring. I couldn't tell if it was my mark or aura. Female Alphas are rare. Before I made it to the ballroom I passed a mirror and I way why. To be completely no honest. I looked bad ass but also wild. My eyes reflected Erza and my fangs showed perfectly. I tried to look normal but it wouldn't go away. Other than my wolf showing I looked okay.

I made way to the ballroom and they asked for my name. "Um. Eloise Snow..?" "What pack?" "Hm?" "The name of your pack miss." "Oh. Blood Moon." "Oh. Youre Mr.Volkavs mate?" "Yes. I am." He smiled and walked me to the top of the stairs. "Lady Eloise Snow Volkov of the blood moon pack." No he didnt just add on Kris' last name. I kinda like it though.

Luna of the blood moon pack
Many heads turned my way but my eyes landed on Kris. We made eye contact and I started to basically ran down the stairs. He made his way towards me. When I tell you my slap a bitch senses where tingling they were. When we got in close enough proximity I literally had my hand ready. "Ella im so-"The sound of my hand hitting his face echoed through the whole room.

"You son of a bitch!" I screeched. "You had no right!" I yelled and back handed him. He stumbled back holding his face and Quinn picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Elbug calm down please." He grunted as I elbowed him in the back. He didnt set me down until we got outside to the garden. "He marked me!" I said shoving Quinn out of anger and he didnt even really move. "I know. Im sorry it happened but you need to calm down. If you wolf out I don't think it'll end very well." I nodded and paced back and forth taking deep breaths before his smell filled my nose. I turned an glared at him but he wasnt alone. Behind him was an older woman and man and another woman and two more men but they look around Kris' age. I lunged at him but Quinn caught me."Ti ucciderò. Giuro alla dea." (I'll kill you. I swear to the goddess.)

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