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"El. Baby stop you gotta stop." Matt said taking a step away from my as we walked down the hall. "Stop what?" I asked. "Your aura. It's blasting."

That's exactly what I was fucking on not doing now that there are people in the halls.

Our aura is what let's other wolves know what we are, our ranks. "Im not trying to do anything! I'm just nervous. Wouldn't you be?" I exclaimed. He grabbed my hand. "It's okay baby. Calm down just.. breath." He said and pulled me into a side hug and walked us down the hall.

Everyone who'd flooded the halls in seconds had just stopped and stared. I was wide eyed and scared to be honest. Right about now my anxiety was kicking ass. You could just hear everyone just whispering.

-Is Matt an alpha?

-No way. He matured at the beginning of the year.

-Is it Eloise?

I closed my eyes and held on to Matt. "Take me home. Please." I whimpered.


He nodded and took me out of the school basically shielding me with his body and bulldozing everyone out of our way . When I got home I calmed a bit.

Quinn was home and as soon as I walked threw the door his head popped up from the couch. "Who the f- El?" He said and got up. He looks at Matt. "It's not me. Say Hi to.. Alpha Eloise Snow." He chuckled.

I whimpered. "El. It's okay. This is.. great." He tried to reassure but the look he threw Q was saying otherwise. I looked at Q and my lip started to quiver.

He didn't hesitate to get up and pull me into a hug. "It's okay El bug." He cooed. After about and hour or so of ranting about how it was gonna effect everything I'd worked so hard for. (By that I meant being able to blend in and go completely unnoticed.)

Now people are gonna stare. People are gonna bow and cower.

Matt stayed with me the whole night. I woke up in the morning to an empty bed. "Matt?" I called and sat up. "Matt?" I called again. Nothing. He's never left before I woke up. I got up and pulled on a shirt I stole from him.

Then I heard a yell from downstairs and immediately freaked out. I ran out of the room and down the stairs.

"Quinn?" I called and turned the corner to see two men standing over Q and Matt who were on there knees. Their heads turned to me and I took a step back. They look so creepy. That's when I here a familiar voice. "Hello. Eloise."



That Omega piece of shit walked around me. I looked at Q who gave me a look that basically screamed run. I didn't though. I stood my ground. Mike took a step forward before taking a step back.

"So your mom wasn't just drunk ranting. You are a alpha.." "Sound talk to me about my mother." He takes his head a bit and grabbed my face. "You know she died right? Because of you." My heart dropped. "What?" I asked in a barely audible whisper. "Yeah. After you left she committed suicide. She said the only people she loved had left her." He said with a disgusting smile. I shook my head and pulled my face from his hand.

He walked up to me. "It's okay. Just come with me." He tried to coo. I looked up at him and he cupped my chin. It look my a minute to register what was happening. When I did I grabbed his hand and broke it with a simple squeeze.

"Brucia all'inferno." I spat before running. I ran from Q's loft to go get help. I'd never just leave him but I couldn't possibly fight them. As I ran down the stairs I ran smack dab into someone. I fell on my back with a painful thump.

The person wasn't even fazed. I look up to see the most intimidating man ever beautiful but intimidating.

Burning blue eyes that were so bright it was almost scary. He was a good 6'5, a jaw line that could most likely cut diamonds.

He had on a obviously expensive suit and so did the two men behind him. I couldn't find my words. His eyes slowly raked up my bare legs and I finally noticed I had on no pants at all. I pulled the shirt down covering as much skin as possible but it didn't really help. He smirked at and I felt my face heat up. Good thing he couldn't see it.

"Beautiful." Are the works that left his mouth.

I'm dark brown skinned and my eyes a dark green that you can't tell are green until you look closely, from my dad. I've grown my hair out since I was little and when straight it reaches my waist.

"Where are you pants?" He almost laughed. He had a thick Russian accent. I frowned and jumped when I heard yelling.

Mike. I looked up and saw him and the two men running down the well. I hopped up and tried to run but the man I bumped into grabbed me and held me in place. No matter how much I fought and pleaded. Mike came to a stop once he saw me in the man's grasp.

I still fought against him until he gripped my arm and made me look at him. "Look at me. Shut. Up. And stay. Still."

He growled. How rude. But I did, it was his voice and aura.

Alpha. Holy shit. Why is another alpha here?!

Mike smiled. "I see you found your-" "Yes. You were taking too long and frankly I think if I hadn't have come up here she'd be gone. Yet again." He said as if he was completely bored with the conversation.

"Yes.. well we would have caught her." Mike said. "There you are. As I promised. And as her father I alrea-" I turned and spit in his face.

"Tu non sei mio padre."
You are not my father.

I bit out before being pulled back roughly. "I said stay still!" The man yelled. I froze. He sighed and passed me off to one of the men behind him. "What does she mean by you aren't her father?" "Well, I'm not by blood but her mother signed custody over to me when she was young." I was about to say something else but the man glared at me. "Why doesn't she have on pants?" He asked.

"She ran from the apartment like that." He said and the man looks at him, then his hand that he was holding to his chest. "What happened to your hand?" He asked and I smiled triumphantly. Mike said nothing and the man turned to me. My smile faded. "Do you know what happened to his hand?" He asked me in a calm voice. I swallowed. He sighed.

"Lo hai fatto alla sua mano? " Did you do that to his hand?

I nodded my head this time.

"L'ho rotto."
I broke it.

I whispered and he bent closer to me

"You.. broke his hand?" He asked and I nodded.

Then he laughed. He laughed.

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