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"Ella." He said and I looked up at him. His chest vibrating slightly and his perfect blue eyes swirling with emotion. "Yes." I asked softly. He leaned forward a bit more and I reached up on my tip toes and our lips brushed the slightest bit before the door flew open making me jump, squeal, then bury my face in his chest. "What the FUCK-" I pinched his arm. "What do you want Quinn?" "One it was quiet so I was afraid she tried to reject you and you went all E.Nigma on her-" That made me giggle.

(Gotham is my shit.🤣)

"If you two are finished the foods ready and everyone refuses to eat without the Luna." He said wiggling his eyebrows when he said Luna. "Very well." "Oh and might I say that a rather lovely dress you got there El bug." He said with a cheeky smile. "Idiot." I called as he left.

Kristen look a bit confused and upset. I fake gasped and he looked at me. "Green is a nice color on you Kris." I joked and wiggled out of his grasp before speed walking out of the office. He sat there while before he finally understood. "You aren't funny little mate." He called while I skipped down the stairs.

Everyone was seated when I scurried in. "Hello everyone." I giggled as I sat in the chair that literally said luna. So many people. Kristen came in after I sat down with a blank expression but a smile in his eyes. "Who's hungry?" I asked and some cheered. This is so weird.

The sandwiches were awesome and Kristen gave me this odd but adoration filled look. "What?" I asked and he smiled and breath taking smile.

Oooh. Dimple alert.

I sang in my head. He held up a Nutella sandwich. "Well according to Maxx you love nutzilla." I said and he only smiled brighter. Just then I saw Dana walk in with a devious looking smile on her face. I ignored it though. Not gonna ruin my day. After eating everyone went outside again and Kristen and I talked more.

Turns out he has two sisters, one older one younger and an 2 older brothers. His dad and mom live in Paris, their dream he says. His favorite color is surprisingly orange and he hates strawberries. Me too though. I hate the seeds.


Right now its 11 pm. Kristen had put Maxx to sleep hours ago and I was just getting out of the shower and opened my closet for the strong smell of bleach to hit me. I flicked on the light and my heart dropped​. My clothes where in a pile covered in bleach. Some where cut up and some ever burnt.

I let out strangled sound and Kristen was there in seconds. His eyes lingered on me for while with me being in a towel and all but they darkened when they landed on my clothes. "Ella what happened?" He asked pulling me out of the closet. "I don't know it was just like this. Kris!
These are all my clothes. I literally have nothing to wear. I can't walk around naked." I cried.

He smirked at the thought and then went serious again. "Borrow some of mine for now and we'll get you some more later." He said calmly. I nodded and bit my lip when he pulled off his shirt he was wearing and handed it to me. I pulled it on over my towel before letting it drop. His shirt was like a dress. "I'll be right back." He said and left for a few minutes then came back looked angry and frustrated. It all rushed away when he looked at me standing in the same spot.

He just smiled. He went in the bathroom and started brushing his teeth and I felt my face grow hot. I was hoping he would remember.

I walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder. He spun around after washing out his mouth. "Yes princess." Geez my face is burning up. I played with my fingers and looked at my feet. "Kirsten I need some more clothes." I said and looked up at him and he looked slightly confused.

"I need some panties." I whispered and looked back down. "Oh. Yeah." He said and turned away from me. "I don't have p-" He swallowed hard making his adams apple bob. "Panties but I do have boxers. Yeah boxers." I nodded and followed him. He handed me some short that where normal if you didn't really look at them but if you looked closer it had little moons on them. I couldn't help but smile. He noticed and tried to take them. "No. I like them." I said and pulled them on before he could take them again. We stood there looking at each other for a while before I moved to get in bed. "Goodnight Kris." I said and he hummed before pulling me into his chest." Goodnight babygirl." He whispered in my ear making me shiver. Then I fell asleep.

I woke up because it felt like someone was tickling me. "What are you doing?" I groaned and smacked his finger away ok knowing it was Kristen because no one had the guts to touch me. His fingers brushed over my sides again and that when it his me.

The scars.

I tried to roll away but turns out he was straddling me. "Kristen get off." I whimpered and he only frowned. "Ella." He whispered but I still struggled. "Ella." Hi said a bit loud but i ignored him. "ELOISE!" He roared. I jumped and flinched away. His eyes where dark and filled with many emotions. "Ella. Did you do this?" He questions his voice cracked and I couldn't help but let a few tears slip. "Kristen please get off." I whimpered and this time he did but didn't let go.

"Ella please tell me why.." He trailed off. "Do you still-" "No Kristen no not since.." His eyes shot to mine. "Since when?" "Since when I first got here but that wa-" He growled and got off the bed picking up some random thing and throwing. It shattered so it must have been glass.

"Kristen stop!" I yelled and grabbed his arm. He pushed me away and I landed on the floor a piece of glass embedding its lf in my hand?" I hissed in pain. All anger washed away from his eyes now fill with terror. "Ella." He said in a worry filled tone. He took a step towards me but I flinched. Not because of him but memories just flooded in.

He stopped moving and step back. He looked hurt and angry and disgusted in him self. "Kristen no do-" He was gone before I could even finish. Max and all three of his beta came in not minutes after. I took one look at Quinn and bursted out crying. He picked me up bridal style and took me to his room after telling them to clean up everything.

"What happened? He didn't.. hi-" "Of course not. He saw the scars a-and.. he freaked. I was trying to stop him from throwing things and he flung me off. It was an accident." Quinn nodded. "I was just making sure he did overstep his boundaries." Q said. "I would have had to bust a cap in his ass." He said and make me giggle. I shook my head at him. "Don't ever say that again." I laughed but it died down. "Where is he?" "He went to deal with some pack stuff. He'll be back. I promise." He said.

I frowned but nodded.

This is a shit chapter deal with it. I'm sorry for how bipolar they are though.

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