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"Maybe I rejected our mate bond. You know that makes us normal toward each other." He didnt like that because he was in front of me before I could blink. "You didn't." He said, devastation settling in his eyes, face, and voice.

Oof. I play too much.

"Of course not." I said and brushed past him.

"That not funny." "I don't care Kristen." I laughed and walked off. "Ella. I wasn't tr-" "I know." "So why are you being so cold towards me." I tuned him out and continued to walk. But he didnt give up. He just kept talking and talking. Until I got to our room. "Listen Kristen. I honestly have no idea what you've been saying and don't care." I huffed and closed the door in his face. It was much later than I thought. The sun wasn't even up anymore. Time for sleep. I took yet another shower. As I was coming out I realized I'd left my towel in the bed. I tip toed towards the room and poked my head out if the bathroom door.

"Kristen?" I called to make sure he wasn't in there before padding across the floor. I was reaching for the towel when I noticed out of the corner of my eye a beet red Kristen. I immediately wrapped my self up. "WHAT THE HELL KRISTEN WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER WHEN I CALLED FOR YOU?" I screeched and he just stared. "You have a tattoo." He states. I frowned. "Leave!" I screamed at him. "What does it say?" He asked as if he hadn't just seen my naked.

"Get. Out!" I yelled again. "It's our room. I can be in here. What does you tattoos say?" I ignored him ran to the closet slamming the door behind me.

Kristen's POV

When she called my name I ignored her to piss her off. I didn't expect a full out butt naked Ella to walk out of the bathroom looking like naked goddess. My heart literally stop. I stopped. Everything stopped. In the few seconds it took for her to notice I was in the chair across the room I completely ravished her with my eye. She had stretch marks on her thighs and ass which I like. I love.

It just showed how natural born her beauty is. Her breast where nice too. Looked like they would fit my hands perfectly. On the side of her left thigh she had a tattoo. It was a quote from what I could tell and it was going long ways. What she was saying wasn't registering in my head. I was too busy trying to avoid the fact that seeing her naked is making me blush so I started asking about her tattoo.

When she went in the closet I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Holy shit. She's beautiful. For the first time ever after seeing an exposed woman I dont want to fuck her. I want to.. goddess I can't even find the right words. I want to just look at her. Like a priceless painting that I'm in love with.

I knocked on the closet door. "Ella. Baby. Dont hide from me.. I wanna see you. I have seen you but I really want to see you. You don't have to hide from me. "Go away Kristen." She whined. "Ella I don't care about the way you look. Which is beautiful by the way." I said. Go away." I huffed at her stubbornness​. "Fine. I'm coming in." I growled at took a few steps back.

Ella's POV
As soon as he said that I rushed and pull the closest thing to me over my head which happened to be a night gown that puddled at my feet. It didn't really help because while the fabric did cover everything it was thin and wavy material. I jumped back when the door flew open.

Kristen walked in a carefully eyed me before smirking. "Your nipples are hard." I huffed at him and crossed my arms over my chest. "Ella. You can't be shy now. I've seen you naked. Get over it. You watched me jerk off so-" "I was not watching!" "Where you there for more than a second?" "I.." "Like I said! Why can't I look at you naked huh? You are my mate. It's bound to happen. How​ did you expect to mate?"

"Don't ask questions like that!" "Like what, Ella?" He said with a smirk. "Ugh you are so childish." "I'm want. To fuck. You. But not like that. I wanna go slow." "Why the hell would you say that?""Why wouldn't I? It's true! I want to fuck you. I do. So be and the fact that you're always walking around here switching that pretty ass of your around doesn't help. Go sit down somewhere. I'm serious. It's hard to not stare. That's why I got pissy when you were walking around in that tiny ass bra and those leggings because every guy in there was feeling you up with their eyes and you are just to blissfully unaware of how fucking beautiful you are you didn't even notice."

I was speechless. "You can't go around complimenting me like that because it makes my heart stop and that's not healthy you asshole." I yelled the first thing I thought of.

He blinked a few times before smiling.

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