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The walls are rotten and peeling. The floor has a big hole in it and what was once was the softest carpet was stiff and hard. Cover in blood stains. My blood. Mike had just left my room after repeatedly hitting me with thick glass bottle until it broke. I don't know what I did, but he was pissed.

Curled up in the corner waiting for the throbbing and aching to stop. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

"Goddess.. what did I ever do to you? I've been good. I do what I'm told. Why.. why do you keep this happen to me?" Black swam into my vision and I welcomed it with open arms.


I woke up with a scream and tried to sit just to be held down by a weight on my chest.

A startled and sleepy, eyed mess hair, Alpha Kristen sat up. "What?" He asked in a panicked voice only for me to scream again and push away causing me to fall on the floor.

Our lungs. My wolf whined.

Kristen tried to help me up but I pushed him away. "What are you doing in here?" I said noticing his shirtlessness for a millisecond.

"I'm not allowed in my own room?" He said with a smirk and I frown. "Your room?" I asked and his smirk grew. I got up with a huff and grabbed a sheet before he could stop me. "What are you doing?" He whispered. I frowned. "I'm not sleeping in your-"

I don't know how but he was now on top of me my hands pinned above my head. "My mate will not sleep in any other bed than mine." He bit out through gritted teeth. His eyes burned a bright red.

"You will do as I say and sleep in my bed next to me, understand?!" He growled. "Yes alpha." My wolf answered for me. Even though we are both alphas I have no pack meaning I have no real power.

"Good. Now sleep." Crawled to my side and quickly got under the blankets. I sat there with my eyes closed for a good twenty minutes before I drifted off. To myself surprise I didn't dream. Just darkness.

Kristen's POV*

I watched my little mate sleep.

So stubborn. I love it. She thinks she can do as she pleases and I like that as well. What I don't like is how quickly she submitted to me after I got a little angry. I didn't like the fear I saw her eyes. It only makes me even more angry that she thinks I'd hurt her.

I'd never hurt my little mate. I decided not to touch her so I moved to my side of the bed and turned my back to her so I wouldn't be tempted but her smell had other plans. She spelled like honeysuckle and oranges. Sweet but not sickeningly sweet. Perfect.

Not an hour later I feel a small arm wrap around my waist. I stiffened but relaxed soon after knowing it was my mate. Slowly I turned so I was facing her and she immediately snuggled into my chest. It had to be her wolf given the fact that she herself seems to dislike me.

Staring down at her and my heart couldn't help but jump in the most annoying way. She's so beautiful it hurts. So cute, so small for her age. I fell asleep shortly after I started feeling like a creep for staring at her.

El's POV

I woke up to nothing. Every event from yesterday played back in my head and I cried for a good 5 minutes straight before getting up to take a shower. The bathroom​ was amazingly huge.

I was kinda upset because there wasn't a shower but once I filled the tub up with water and some peppermint bubble bath I found.

It was so nice. I could​ live in this bathroom. Honestly I needed to relax so I closed my eyes and sat back in the tub. I was happy at the moment. That's was before I heard footsteps and assumed it was Alpha Kristen. I ignored it until I didn't hear any retreating steps so I opened one eye to see him standing over me like a creep. I couldn't help but scream.

He was unaffected and just stood there. Not short after that 2 men including Q burst into the bathroom and I sunk down in the tub. They looked relieved that I was okay but they all blushed at the same time as well. I gave a look to Q and he understood. He told the other man to leave. All except Kristen. "Get out." He said to Quinn who waiting for him to leave. He opened his mouth to protest but was given a look that could scare Freddy Kruger.

He backed out of the bathroom with his hands up and closed the door. "Okay. Now that we're alone I have some new rules." My mouth dropped. "Get out." I pointed towards the door.

He chuckled​. "Make me." He teased.

Is he serious? "Get out Kristen!" I yelled and he looked surprised. "Oh so now I'm Kristen? I told you to-"

"I don't care what you told me. Get. Out." He was really surprised now, which morphed into anger. "No." He said in an eerily creepy calm way. "As I said before I have rules and those rules are. Never yell at me." He said. "And for you to never disagree with me." He said. "And if you don't follow these rules there will be consequences." He said and stood up. I said nothing.

Consequences? My wolf hummed.

I frowned. "Do you understand?" I nodded. "Use your words. "Yes.. Alpha Kristen." I said his name like it was poison. He hid a frown terribly. "As you were little mate." My wolf purred again at the nickname again and I shivered. Even though Kristen had turned around I could basically feel his smirk.

I finished my bath and put on a black tank top and some black sweats that Q had gotten me. My boyfriend was just killed protecting me and I was kidnapped by a psychopath.

Making it downstairs I noticed a familiar face. "Matt!" I said and everyone in the living room turned towards me. His eye gleamed and he hugged me. "Hey." He sighed in my neck but when I tried to kiss him he moved. I frowned and I realized he was alive and here. I pushed away from him. "Your alive! And here! Why are you here?" He looked at Quinn who gave me a sad look.

I swallowed a lump in my throat as I slowly started to put thing together. "You.. son of a bitch!" I screamed and shoved him a lot harder than I meant to. He flew across the room like he was hit with a wrecking ball. Next thing I knew I was bent over and you could hear my bones cracking. I went wolf on him. My wolf was in control now and she was pissed. Everyone looked at me with wide eyes. My wolf snarled and barked at Matt who looked like his life was flashing before his eyes. I lunged at him but was cut off by a gigantic black wolf.

Kristen's wolf.

He mindlinked me.

"Eloise calm down." I growled at him.

"Get out of my way." I barked and he stood his ground. I did as well. "Eloise!" He warned but I jumped on him biting the hell out of him.

He growled and flung me off. Then he stood over me pinning me. He turned human right on top of me. I tried to ignore it as much as possible and struggled. "Turn!" He yelled and ignored him. "Turn or so help me goddess I will punish you until you are barely alive. TURN!" I turned back human but his threat didn't make me. It was his alpha aura that did.

"You butthole!" I screamed and head butted him. He moved the slightest bit and Quinn quickly gave me his shirt. I pulled it on and kicked Kristen. "He works for you?! Why would you do that?! I. Loved! Him. Just to find out it was all fake! That makes me feel so.. slutty!" I wrapped my arms around my stomach. "I think I'm going to be sick." Kristen stood up and basically dragged me away. We walked for a while before he finally stopped in front of a door that was black. He kicked it open and shoved me in. "Sit." He yelled and I noticed it was a bedroom. There wasnt a chair anywhere so I looked at him but his face didn't change. I sat on the bed and he slammed the door. He was still freaking naked. He came and stood right in front of me. I closed my eyes.

"Look. At. Me." He commanded. My wolf made me. Traitor. He had a little cut on his eye brow. "You head butted me and bit me. I'm your alpha. The punishment for that is death!" He growled. My heart sped up. "But I can't kill you. So I'm gonna treat you like the disrespectful little mate you are. Stand up!" He commanded. I did. "Turn around." I was hesitant. "Turn around!" He yelled and my wolf did as told. Traitor.

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