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"Uncle Eric?" His eyes widened. He brushed my hair out of my face and stared at me. "El?" I threw my arms around his neck. "Oh my God." I cried. He squeezed me. "Eloise my baby.. holy shit!" He said and pulled away. "You're alive!" He yelled. "I am." I laughed.

"Your Nana will be so happy." "Oh. Nana! I miss her." I said tears involuntarily pouring from my eyes. Eric kissed my forehead before frowning. "What are you doing here of all places?" "I'm with.. my mate." His frown deepened.

"Kristen Volkov." He said his name like it was acid and pained him to say it. "Eloise he is not the be-" "I know Zio. I know. But I care about him very much. He's done alot for me and I'm sure if it wasn't for him I would have never seen you again." That's a half lie because before Kris kidnapped me I planned on going back to Italy.

Zio looked me in the eye and then glared at Kristen before moving me aside and standing to to toe with Kris. Zio was shorter then Kristen but not by alot. He wrapped his arms around him in a manly hug. "Thank you, figlio."

My jaw dropped. When he let him go Kris looked just as shocked as I. "Zio?" He turned to me and engulfed in a bone crushing hug. "We must go now. I will be back in a few weeks time, you understand?" I just nodded. "Good." And like that everyone filled out of the house. Kris' arm instantly wrapped around me. "Are y-" "Don't ask me if I'm alright. I'm clearly not and asking would just make me angry." I said and shrugged him off before I noticed everyone staring. "What are you looking at?! Fucking leave." I growled at everyone. They dispersed quickly.

Kris just followed me around unsure of what to do. "Why'd you yell at them like that Ella they did absolutely nothing they were worried about their Luna." Kris said once we were back in our room. "Oh I don't know Kris maybe because they were staring." I said in a duh tone. "Ella." "Kris." I said childishly and turned to my vanity. "Ella." He said a bit louder and I ignored him. "El." He said and I pretended to be busy brushing my hair. "God dammit Eloise!" He yelled and spun me around. He was pissed. I know because this muscle in his jaw ticks.

I bit my lip and looked at him through my hair which seemed to throw his off. His eyes softened but his grip on my arm didn't and in some strange way I didn't mind. He ran his hand through his hair and glared at me. "Nope. Nope. You don't get to do that. You don't get to be all cute and.. fucking hot all at one time. You did that on purpose." He growled and I smiled at him. "Shut up." I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck."I'm sorry Kris.. it's just a lot. My uncle and.. my family are here. I can't believe it though. My uncle's alpha."

Kris scowled. "It's.. unsettling. What if you had have stayed in Italy? We'd be enemy's." "Yeah. It'd be cool though. I'd be badass." I joked. Kris picked me up and laid us on the bed. "You need sleep." He said like he just realized what time it was. "But I'm not tired." I whined even though I damn well am. He gave me this look and I rolled my eyes. "Fine."


I woke up to cold empty bed which made me angry. "Ugh." I groaned and threw my head back on the pillow. My head shot back up when the bathroom door opened. It took me about two minutes to realize he was fully naked. "Kristen." I squealed and his head snapped up to mine. "Oh. Good morning." He said casually and I covered my eyes. "Clothes!" "Umm.. nah. I'm good." He chuckled and I huffed. "Kristen go put-" "Fine." He huffed and I heard so moving around. "Are you decent?" "Yes baby girl." He sighed. I peaked only to see him in loose sweat pants that hung way to low.

"T-thats not any better you man whore." He ran his hand through his hair and kept his arm up. "How about now?" "Stop it. You're such a perv."

"I'm a perv yet you are the one staring." "Cause youre fucking hot." I said surprising myself. Kris stared at me for a while. "Language my love." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

Excuse me? What's with the sass El? I sat there a little while shamelessly staring at Kris before getting up and walking to the bathroom. In the middle of me showering pain shot through my heart and spread from there. I let out a scream I didn't know I was capable of making. The bar in the shower was the only thing keeping me up. I basically crawled over to my towel and just draped it over my body and laid right there on the floor.

Nope. Not today. Fuck it. I'm gonna say here unti-

Kristen bursted through the door and I smiled at him. "Nice of you to join me." I chuckled immediately feeling so much better. "Dammit Ella." He hissed and picked me up. I quickly switched positions so that I was clinging to him like a kola. "Ella.." He said his voice a bit shaky. "Yes?" I purred and mentally scolded my self.

"I was wondering what had gotten into you." "Hm? So you know now?" "Yep. You, my love, are in heat." At that's my eyes widened. "What?" "Yep. By the first full moon after you find your mate you go into heat if you dont.. mate properly by then you go into heat. Which will increase you desire to mate. With me." He says and looks down just to snap his head right back up. "You're naked." He states and I nodded. "Uh.. duh." He just nodded. "Will you let go now?" I shook my head. "Ella please."He hissed when I pressed my chest to his. "I can feel you." I whispered and wished I could stop my words. "Ella." He warned and I groaned. "Fine." I huffed and let his sit me down. He growled at me when I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Can I at least have a kiss?" He shook his head furiously and pulled away. "Get dressed. Now." He said and turned away.

Thank you Kristen.

I got dressed and he sat away from me but not too far. I hated it. How was he so calm.

Quinn later on explained that he's been through heat before a few times so he has more control. Doesn't give him a right.

Eloise. Let's go play with mate.

Um.. no. Ezra we can't. I have to stay away from him. I don't like acting like a harlot.



She growled at me and I rolled my eyes at her.
*2 days later*

I'm out of heat. Yay. Kristen has barely even hugged me. He hasn't even slept in the same bed. I wasn't that bad. Kristen was currently in the gym so I was gonna train with him. Quinn thought it would be a good idea to mess with him I dressed in booty shorts and and black sports bra. "El you have hella ass babe." Q whispered as we walked into the gym. I immediately spotted Kristen at his bench press. "No shirt." I sighed and stared until Q nudged me. I flipped him off and quietly walked over to him and threw my leg over the him so I was straddling his waist. He grunted but kept the bar up. "Don't do that." He said and looked at me before lifting the weights a few more time and setting them back down.

He sat up and glared at me. "What are you wearing?" "Clothes. Duh." I said and he frowned. "Go put on some different ones." He sighed and tried to move me but I grinded down on him which only made him tighten his grip on my waist. "Ella don't." I poked out my lips. "But why not? You haven't even touched me in three days. Can't we have a little fun." I said playing with the draw strings on his sweats.

I was completely unbothered by the prominent boner poking my thigh. "Because. I'm busy." He said. "Other parts of you say otherwise." I whispered. "Ugh. I don't like how free you are with the things you say now." "It's only around you Kris. If anyone ever heard me speaking like that I'd die of embarrassment." I said with a small smile. He just watched me. I placed my hands on his chest on pecked his lips. "I got my ki-" He kissed me full force and pulled me closer. I gladly let his tongue glide past my lips and immediately win dominance over mine. Be sat there making out for a good 3 minutes before I needed air. That didn't stop him from attacking my neck. I bit my lip to muffle the small moans threatening to spill.

My eyes fluttered shut and I let me head fall back. I couldn't stifle a giggle when he kissed my breast. I opened my eyes and a scream left my mouth and I buried my face in his chest.

The leader of Earthbound pack. How nice.

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